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例句 The star is shown – most alluringly – in a slinky dress and hairstyle that never figure in the movie.那位明星穿的紧身连衣裙和梳的发型都是电影中从未出现过的,出场时魅力四射。Those are the two boxers who will appear in the main bout.那两位就是要在主要比赛中出场的拳手。The first two batsmen were bowled out.头两个击球员被迫出场Lewis damaged his knee in training and will not appear in the game.刘易斯在训练中膝盖受伤,无法在比赛中出场Astacio started for the Dodgers on Tuesday night.阿斯塔西欧星期二晚为道奇队出场比赛。Some theatre-goers complained Joan was on stage for just half an hour.有些观众抱怨琼的出场时间只有半小时。Characters are often written out of TV soap operas.电视肥皂剧中经常有角色写着写着就不再出场了。Tonight's show features a host of celebrities.今晚的表演有许多名人出场She was the last performer on the late-late show at a night club.她在一家夜总会深夜节目中最后一个出场表演。They'll be without two of their best players so we're really confident that we can turn them over tomorrow.他们有两名最好的球员不会出场,所以我们十分有信心,明天能完败他们。The team came out to the accompaniment of fireworks.在烟花的映照下,队伍出场了。Denim once again made an appearance on the catwalks in the spring and summer collections.丹妮又一次在春夏时装展示会上出场He had a good/bad outing. 出场表现得不错/不好。She waited offstage for her cue.她在舞台边上等待出场提示。In spite of his injury, Ricardo will play in Saturday's match.尽管里卡多有伤在身,星期六的比赛他仍会出场The actors not performing sit at the side of the stage in full view, waiting for their cues.还未轮到演出的演员坐在舞台旁边能看得一清二楚的地方,等待着他们的出场提示。He had a brief role in that play.他在那部戏里扮演一个出场不多的角色。The shortstop went two for four in yesterday's game. 在昨天的比赛中,这名游击手出场击球四次命中两次。There are glaring weaknesses in Scotland's current line-up.苏格兰队目前的出场阵容有非常明显的缺陷。Batista had batted out of turn.巴蒂斯塔没有按顺序出场击球。John Henry Williams was a no-show at last week's game in Milwaukee.上周在密尔沃基进行的比赛约翰·亨利·威廉斯没有出场The actors' names are listed in the order of their appearance. = They are listed in the order in which they appear.演员的名单是根据出场顺序排列的。Jokanovic is doubtful for Chelsea.约卡诺维奇状态不佳,切尔西队可能不会派他出场Two of the competitors failed to turn up for the race.赛跑选手中有两个比赛时没有出场The fans went crazy when the band came onto the stage.乐队出场时,歌迷们都疯狂了。The hero does not enter until the second act/Act Two.男主角直到第二幕才出场He pitched poorly in his last start.他在上次首发出场中投得不好。She appeared in a slinky satin dress.她穿着修身缎纹连衣裙出场His absence from the team sheet dismayed some Tottenham fans.出场名单中没有他的名字让一些托特汉姆队的球迷感到沮丧。They'll goose the show with rotating celebs.他们将轮番邀请名人出场,来使节目更加出彩。One of the players collapsed with exhaustion and had to be carried off the field.有一名球员因疲劳而瘫倒,只得被抬出场外。She made a grand entrance once all the guests were assembled.客人到齐之后,她隆重出场Australia, put in to bat, made a cautious start.轮到澳大利亚队出场击球,他们开始打得很谨慎。The famous singer rationed his solos pretty stingily in later years.那位名歌手在晚年非常严格地约束自己出场独唱的次数。Unfortunately, I misjudged the timing of my emergence.很不幸,我错误地判断了我出场的时机。Gonzales came on as a substitute during the second half.冈萨雷斯在下半场作为替补队员出场The host has several guest spots lined up tonight.节目主持人今晚安排了几个嘉宾出场When Angie was written out of 'Eastenders' her character went to Spain to open a bar.在《伦敦东区人》中扮演的角色到西班牙开酒吧去了后, 安吉就不再出场了。Wait! She'll be on in a couple of seconds.等等!她马上就要出场了。She stood nervously in the wings waiting for her cue.她紧张地站在台侧等待出场的提示。




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