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Morisot and Degas moved in the same social circles.摩里索和德加在同一个社交圈出入。It'll be a thousand pounds, give or take fifty or so.一千英镑,出入五十英镑左右。There's a big difference between the document's lengthy preamble and the actual content.该文件的长篇序文与其实际内容有很大出入。Several eyewitnesses' accounts differed considerably from the official version of events.几个目击者对于事件的叙述和官方的说法有很大出入。It was strange to see my teacher out of his usual classroom setting.看到我的老师出现在惯常出入之外的教室,还真是奇怪。This is the bar that harlots frequent.这是个妓女们常出入的酒吧。They use a swipe card to go in and out of their offices.他们出入办公室要刷卡。You've been living the high life recently, haven't you! You're always going out to clubs and fancy restaurants.你最近过得很豪华啊!出入的都是俱乐部和高级餐厅。How do you explain the apparent discrepancies between the money and the receipts?你如何解释金额与收据的明显出入?Citizens of the EU can travel without restriction within the EU.欧盟的公民在欧盟境内可以不受限制地出入各国。Machine parts were also being shuttled across the border without authorisation.机器零部件也在未经批准的情况下出入边境。They went club-hopping. 他们一晚出入了好几家夜总会。There were wide discrepancies in the evidence.证据中有很大出入。They embargoed those ships.他们禁止那些船只出入港口。People travel backwards and forwards to and from London.人们来来回回出入伦敦。He has the run of the house.他可以随意出入那所房子。The little green Fiat conveniently parked on the corner for what was to have been a speedy takeoff.这辆小小的绿色菲亚特牌汽车停靠在一个可以出入自如的街角上,随时准备一下子起动。We noted a major inconsistency in his story.我们注意到在他的报道中有一处重大出入。Certain areas have been declared off limits to servicemen.已经宣布一些地区军人不得出入。He was given the run of Shaw's library while writing his biography.他给萧伯纳写传记期间,可以随意出入他的图书室。Sonia's always careful to be seen with the right people.索尼娅总是很注意,出入都要和体面的人在一起。They go in and out of the famous Priory clinic as if it were a five-star hotel rather than a psychiatric hospital.他们出入于著名的普莱奥瑞医院,就好像这是家五星级宾馆,而不是一家精神病院。Three thousand people came, give or take a few hundred.来了三千人,上下有个几百人的出入。Casualty estimates vary considerably.不同伤亡估计的出入很大。They gave their visitors the run of the place.他们允许访客随意出入那个地方。Children were allowed to enter and leave at will.孩子们被允许随意出入。There are one or two apparent discrepancies between the two reports.这两份报告看上去有一两处出入。He likes to be seen in the right clubs and restaurants.他喜欢让人看到他出入那些高级俱乐部和餐馆。So do you have the run of the garden?那么你可以自由出入这个花园? |