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词汇 business
例句 From those early days the business has snowballed.自开创之日起,这家企业如滚雪球般迅速发展起来。They set up a business with the help of a bank loan.他们用一笔银行贷款开了家公司。Sharon believed it would help to lighten up the business of real estate.莎伦认为这将有助于活跃房地产行业。The two men ended up in the same business law class and hit it off immediately.这两个男人后来在同一个商业法律班上,一见如故。The whole business reeks of dishonesty.整个交易充满欺诈的味道。San José State University is doing away with its business school and department of journalism.圣何塞州立大学将要撤去商学院和新闻系。She's away on a business trip.她出差了。We're not trying to educate-we're in the entertainment business.我们不想去教育人 - 我们从事的是娱乐业。As a society columnist it's her business to know who's who.作为一个社会新闻专栏作家,熟悉名人是她的职责。The restaurant has closed for lack of business.由于生意不景气,这家餐馆关张了。I'm sorry, but it's none of your business.对不起,但是这跟你没关系。He listens to business/sports talk radio in the car.他开车时一般收听电台商业/体育热线节目。My father was just driving along, minding his own business, when suddenly a brick came through the window.我父亲正好好地开着车,突然一块砖头从车窗外飞进来。Does this shirt qualify as business attire?这件衬衫可以作为商务正装吗?Branson has an excellent business brain.布兰森有杰出的商业头脑。In record-business lingo, that means he wanted to buy the rights to the song and market it.用唱片业的行话来说,就是他想买下那首歌曲的版权,然后包装推出。These gurus are being promoted by publishers and hyped in the business press.这些权威得到了出版商的力推和商务出版界的大肆宣传。It's always a good idea to save business letters, bills, and receipts.把商业信件、账单和收据保存起来不失为好主意。I'm afraid the business is doing badly – profits are right down.很遗憾,生意做得很不好,利润降得很低。The two brothers regularly used bribes and threats to further their business.这两兄弟经常使用贿赂和威胁手段来扩展业务。She gives English lessons to business people in the evenings.晚上她给商业界人士上英语课。Only two people voted against the expansion of the business.只有两个人投票反对扩展业务。Their plans to set up their own business are just pie in the sky.他们创办自己公司的计划只不过是空想罢了。The fuel shortage has turned round the auto business.燃料不足已使汽车业改弦易辙。Recruitment personnel agreed that there was a need for an attitudinal change in this area of business.招聘部门同意该领域在态度上需要有所转变。His entertaining could be entered as business expense.他的招待费可作为业务开支入账。There is some consternation among business leaders.商界领袖中存在一些恐慌情绪。Hunt was seduced by the lure of fame and show business.亨特受了名利和娱乐行业的诱惑。Economists are studying every twitch and hiccup of the business cycle.经济学家们正在对商业周期的每一个突变和停顿做研究。The kind of technology you choose will make all the difference to the success of your business.你选择的这种技术将会使你的公司取得更大的成就。I distinctly remember being told that my father was away on a long business trip.我清晰地记得,有人告诉我爸爸是长期出差去了。The company hoped for some sort of economic alchemy that would improve business.这家公司盼望着某种经济的魔力能改善其经营状况。Nobody is successful in business without taking a few risks.没有人做生意不冒几次险就能成功。I decided to set up my own business because I was tired of just being a cog in a machine.我决定创立自己的公司,因为我厌倦了在大公司中做个微不足道的小人物。We're looking for a more economic way of doing business.我们正在寻找一种更加经济的做生意方式。Pressing business matters prevented him from taking a holiday.紧迫的事务使他没法休假。You have to be a bit of an optimist to start a business.要想开创一番事业,你必须得具备一点乐观精神。The annual fee is simply an expense of doing business.年费只是做生意的一项开支。Any move to isolate Britain would be very damaging to business.任何孤立英国的行动对商业都有极大的破坏性。Firms that fail to take advantage of the new technology will go out of business.未能利用新技术的公司会倒闭。




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