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词汇 Business
例句 Business then had entrenched itself into an impregnable position in American life.那时商业已在美国生活中占据了坚不可摧的地位。Business interests are incompatible with public office.公职与商业利益是互不相容的。Business leaders gave an enthusiastic welcome to the proposal.商界领袖热烈欢迎这项提议。Our accountant says the Business is on the rocks.我们的会计师说生意濒临破产。Business confidence is sky-high at the moment.眼下商业信心非常高涨。The Investment Business Gazettes offer very useful supplementary information.《商业投资报》提供非常有用的补充信息。The campaign was so successful that Harvard Business School adopted it as a case study.这个活动非常成功,哈佛商学院甚至采用它作为一个研究案例。Our Vice President was relegated to become our Business Manager for the mistake that he committed.因为犯了错,我们的副总经理被降调为业务经理。Business prospects brightened last month.上个月商业前景有所好转。Business systems are highly complex and involve processes that are heterogeneous and multidimensional.商业系统极为复杂,并且包含了各种多方面的进程。Business is good now, but there are a few problems on the horizon.目前的生意很好,但有几个问题已露端倪了。Business in Nigeria is markedly different from that in Europe.尼日利亚的业务显然不同于欧洲的业务。Business is booming for the big pharmaceutical companies.大制药公司业务繁荣。Business leaders are cautioning against hasty action that would hamper flexibility.企业领导人告诫不要贸然采取行动,这会影响企业的灵活性。Business matters drew him to Paris.他因公前往巴黎。Business failure registered a postwar record this year.今年厂商的倒闭达到战后最高记录。Business is booming.生意繁荣。Business is slack just now.眼下商业不景气。The Business School has a reputation for excellence in research.这所商学院在研究方面卓有成就。Business and industry attempt to influence public policy.工商业资方试图影响公共政策。Business confidence is on the up.企业信心正在提高。Business relationships are necessarily rather formal.商业关系必然很正式。Business is progressing at a snail's pace.生意发展十分缓慢。Harvard Business School哈佛商学院Mr Malik has successfully completed the advanced course in Business Management.马利克先生已经顺利完成商业管理高级课程。Business was so good he felt he could kick the customers around a little.生意如此兴隆,以致他认为稍许怠慢一下顾客也无妨。 Business has been opening out recently.近来业务一直在发展。Business is slow at the moment.现在业务进展缓慢。Business is always slow during those months because everyone's on holiday.那几个月生意都很清淡,因为大家都在休假。Business leaders claim that the strong pound is choking exports.商界领袖宣称坚挺的英镑正在阻碍出口。Business is good, and we are doing everything we can to keep it that way.生意很不错,我们正竭尽全力把这种态势保持下去。Business fell off after Christmas.圣诞节后生意变得清淡。Business is quiet during the holidays.节假日期间生意很清淡。Business consultants are a dime a dozen here.商业顾问在这儿根本不稀罕。Business has slowed considerably in recent months.最近几个月生意清淡了许多。Business kept him bound to the city.事务把他束缚在城里。Business really picked up last month.上个月的生意的确有所提升。There was an especially high uptake in the Business Management course.特别多的人学企业管理课程。Business was up during the third quarter.第三季度营业额上升了。Business is brisk at the store.商店生意兴隆。




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