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词汇 busily
例句 They are busily planning next year's event.他们正忙着筹划明年的活动。The woman busily collected the ripened reddish berries.那妇女忙著采集成熟的淡红色的莓果。Sampans plied busily over the smooth water of the lake.舢板在平静的湖面上忙碌往返。Her father was busily taking notes.她父亲正在忙于记笔记。I was busily preparing a salad for the evening meal.我正忙着准备晚餐吃的色拉。He has been etching busily the past month.一个月来,他一直在忙着蚀刻。She was too busily occupied to go to the show.她太忙了,不能去看演出。She was busily writing in a notebook.她在笔记本上不停地写字。She makes a living as a writer, busily plying her pen each day.她以写作为生,每日笔耕不辍。Mother was busily cutting sandwiches.母亲正在忙著切三明治。A wind-up clock ticked busily from the kitchen counter.一只上了弦的钟在厨房的案子上嘀嗒响个不停。Both men were busily engaged in shaping barrel-staves.两个男人都正忙于削桶板。He is busily preparing for the coming season.他正忙着为即将到来的赛季做准备。He is working busily in the kitchen.他正在厨房忙活呢。She was busily sorting through her clothes.她正忙着整理衣服。He was busily engaged in painting the furniture.他忙于油漆家具。The doctor worked busily beneath the blinding lights of the delivery room.医生在产房的耀眼灯光下忙碌地工作。Mr Vega was busily sketching with a stick of charcoal.韦嘉先生正忙着用炭笔画素描。Students were busily writing notes.学生们在忙着记笔记。The women were busily comparing notes on the queen's outfit.女人们忙着交换对女王衣着的看法。I was busily preparing for their arrival.我忙着为他们的到来做准备。The chefs were busily preparing hundreds of tantalizing dishes for the banquet.厨师们正忙着为宴会准备数百道令人垂涎欲滴的菜。For some obscure reason, Bellamy was busily pocketing the empty shells.不知因为什么,贝拉米正忙着往衣袋里装弹壳。Will and Joe were busily employed in clearing out all the furniture.威尔和乔正忙于处理掉所有的家具。She is busily preparing for her test.她正忙着准备考试。The doctor worked busily beneath the blinding lights of the delivery room.这位医生在产房刺目的灯光下忙碌着。She was busily cleaning up the house when the guests arrived.客人到达时她正在忙着打扫屋子。The little girls were busily engaged in filling their buckets with sand.小女孩们在忙着把沙子装进桶里。She has been busily trying to resurrect her Hollywood career.她一直奔忙,试图重振她的好莱坞演艺生涯。The children puddled around busily at the pump.孩子们在抽水机旁忙着踩水花。The two saleswomen were busily trying to keep up with the demand.两位女售货员忙不迭地努力满足顾客的需求。




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