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词汇 bushes
例句 Why is he skulking around in the bushes?他为什么在灌木丛里鬼鬼祟祟地走动?I'm sure I saw someone lurking in the bushes just now.我肯定刚才看到有人躲在灌木丛里。His clothes were full of snags after he had pushed his way through the prickly bushes.他好不容易穿过荆棘丛之后,衣服被钩得到处都是破洞。The bushes should be in bloom soon.这些灌木很快就要开花了。She heard a rustle in the bushes.她听到灌木丛中一阵窸窣声。A deer burst out of the bushes and ran past us.一头鹿突然蹿出树丛,从我们旁边跑过去。A gardener comes in each week to trim the ornamental trees and bushes.园丁每周都来修剪这些观赏性树木和灌木。Somewhere a dog barked and, like lightning, the cat darted into some bushes.不知哪个地方有只狗一吠,猫就像闪电般冲入了灌木丛。Then we spotted a tall man lurking in the bushes outside.接着我们发现一个高个儿男子潜伏在外面的灌木丛中。Complete the pruning of established rose bushes and give them a feed.把这些已扎根的玫瑰花丛修剪完,然后给它们施肥。They chopped at the bushes with their knives.他们用刀劈开灌木丛。He was uneasily aware of another watcher in the bushes.他不安地感到还有一个人在灌木丛里盯着他。There is a clump of bushes/trees at the edge of the field.田边有一片灌木丛/树丛。Her body was later found hidden in the bushes.后来,她的尸体被人发现藏在灌木丛里。They were hiding among the bushes.他们藏在灌木丛中。Her attacker then dragged her into bushes.袭击她的人接着将她拖进灌木丛里。A clump of bushes was their ambush.一丛灌木是他们打埋伏的地方。She heard strange rustlings in the bushes.她听见灌木丛中有奇怪的窸窣声。The dog had scented something in the bushes.那条狗在树丛里嗅到了什么。She clawed at the bushes to disentangle herself.她向灌木丛抓去,想脱身出来。She was hiding in the bushes at the side of the lane.她躲藏在道边的灌木丛中。He completely missed the fairway from his tee shot, and his ball ended up in the bushes.他开球完全偏离球道,球最后落进了灌木丛。The headless torso of a man was found in some bushes.在灌木丛中发现了一具无头男尸。All the rose bushes seem to be suffering from the same mysterious malady.所有的玫瑰丛似乎都得了同一种怪病。Shh! I can see someone moving in the bushes.嘘!我看到灌木丛里有人在动。The bushes had become overgrown and now hid the entrance to the garden.灌木恣意蔓生,现在把花园的入口都掩盖了起来。We netted the berry bushes to protect them from the birds.我们用网罩住这些浆果树以防鸟。He took the bag and tossed it into some nearby bushes.他拿了包,丢进附近的灌木丛里。Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back.玫瑰丛修剪后又会抽新芽长新枝。The bushes need pruning.这些灌木得修剪了。He dived into the bushes.他一头扎进了灌木丛。The spade sank into a clump of overgrown bushes.铁锹插入了一丛浓密的矮树丛中。Birds skirred off from the bushes.群鸟嗖地一下飞离了灌木丛。I scouted about in the bushes.我在灌木丛中四处搜寻。He heard a rustling in the bushes.他听见灌木丛中有窸窣声。There are no trees or bushes to give shade.没有树木或灌木丛可以遮阴。I heard a noise in the bushes and out jumped a cat!我听到树丛中有声音,接着跳出来一只猫!I scouted round in the bushes.我在灌木丛中四下查找。He came out of the bushes and flashed me.他从灌木中出来,向我暴露私处。These bushes will flower this year for the first time.这些灌木今年将第一次开花。




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