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They walked a couple of miles.他们步行了几英里。It's a few miles southeast of here.就在东南方向,离这儿几英里处。These sites were often several miles distant from each other.这些场地之间往往有几英里远。The submarine surfaced a few miles off the coast.潜艇在离海岸几英里的地方浮出了水面。The car quit a few miles down the road.汽车在路上跑了几英里就抛锚了。During the flood season, the river overruns its banks for several miles.在洪水季节,河水溢出堤岸几英里。On a clear day, you can see for miles from the top of the mountain.天气晴朗的时候,从山顶能看好几英里远。She lives a few miles down the road at Burnham.她住在伯汉姆,顺着路走几英里远。The explosion shook buildings for miles around.爆炸让好几英里以内的房屋都受到震动。The oil spillage fouled several miles of beaches.溢出的石油污染了几英里的海滩。The house was ablaze, and the flames and smoke could be seen for miles around.房子燃起了熊熊大火,方圆几英里都能看到烈焰和浓烟。We were still several miles off, but you could already see a glow in the sky from the lights of the city.我们尚在几英里之外,但你已经看得到城市灯火映照到空中的亮光。Air currents carried the balloon for miles.气流把气球带到了几英里以外。They continued a few miles further to take in Hinton House.他们又走了几英里去参观辛顿堡。The cathedral dominates the landscape for miles around.这座教堂在方圆几英里范围内都是最显著的建筑物。I run a cattle station some miles upcountry.我在几英里开外的内地有一个养牛场。The jar of the explosion was felt for miles around.那次爆炸引起的震荡周围好几英里都能感觉到。The road twisted and turned for a few miles and then straightened out again.这条路弯弯曲曲,几英里之后又变直了。A few miles before the border we were stopped at an army checkpoint.在距边境几英里的地方我们被军队的检查站拦住了。After the explosion, a plume of smoke could be seen in the sky for miles around.爆炸发生后,方圆几英里都能看得见天空中的烟雾。Nealy disappeared two days ago, several miles away from any of the fighting.尼利两天前失踪了,所有战斗地点周围几英里内都不见他的踪影。After twisting for several miles, the road straightens out.经过几英里的迂回曲折之后,路面变直了。They had already walked a couple of miles from their starting point.他们已经从起点步行了几英里。My nearest neighbour lives a few miles away.离我最近的邻居有几英里远。They lived out in the country, miles from nowhere.他们住在乡下,离任何有人的地方还有好几英里。That driver's been on my tail for miles.那人驾车紧跟在我后面有好几英里了。The only electrician we could get hold of was miles away.我们唯一能够联络到的电工离这里有好几英里远。There had followed a nightmare procession along the sewer for several miles.沿着下水道延绵几英里接连发生了骇人的事件。The flames could be seen several miles away.熊熊的火焰在几英里以外都能看见。We live a few miles from the city.我们住在离城市几英里远的地方。I went some miles out of my way to take the scenic road into Macon.我绕行了几英里,想要经由那条风景秀丽的公路进入梅肯。St Anne's Wood isn't very big - it only covers a few miles.圣安妮森林不是很大,只占地几英里。She runs a couple of miles twice a week.她每周两次跑上几英里。Everything I need is within a few miles of my apartment.我需要的所有东西在我住的公寓几英里之内都可以找到。The lake has several miles of shoreline.这个湖有好几英里的湖岸线。The river turns east for a few miles and then continues south.河流向东流了几英里之后又向南流去。We marched in a north-westerly direction for another few miles.我们向西北方又行进了几英里。The river departs from its original course a few miles downstream.河水顺流而下几英里后改变了河道。The patrol car followed the BMW for a few miles and then lost it.巡逻车跟了那辆宝马几英里,后来就跟丢了。After a few miles, a small road branched off to the right.过了几英里后,右侧出现一条小岔路。 |