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词汇 几样
例句 There are very few foods that I actively dislike.没有几样食物是我真正反感的。I brought a few trifles back from India - pieces of jewellery and fabric mainly.我从印度带回了几样小玩意儿——主要是些首饰和布料。The menu does not have much choice. 菜单上可供选择的菜没有几样They managed to salvage only a few of their belongings from the fire.他们从大火中只抢救出少数几样东西。I gathered together my few possessions.我收拾了仅有的几样东西。It's a very tricky problem, but I think there are a number of things you can do.那是个非常棘手的问题,但我想有几样事你是可以做到的。I threw a few things into a bag and ran to the car.我往包里扔了几样东西就朝车子奔去。While you're at the store, could you get a few things for me as well?你去商店时,能不能给我也买几样东西?Here are a few goodies you can work into your daily diet.这里有几样美味食品,可以加进你的日常食谱里。He sweeps up and does a few odds and ends.他扫完地,又干了几样杂活儿。I'll send you a few trifles for your birthday.我要送你几样小玩意儿祝贺你的生日。The lunch specials are always the same.午餐特色菜总是那几样I need to get a few things in town.我需要到城里买几样东西。I need to buy a few household items like soap.我需要买几样肥皂之类的日用品。You need to get a few more qualifications under your belt.你需要再获得几样资格证明。Let's order appetizers.咱们要几样开胃小菜吧。




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