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词汇 几句
例句 The former world champion imparted a few words of wisdom to the young runners.前世界冠军送给年轻赛跑运动员几句至理名言。Mum was going to work, so she left me some instructions for supper.妈妈要去上班,因此晚饭怎么办对我关照了几句She babbled a few words to him.她对他说了几句不知所云的话。Can I speak with you for a minute?我能和你谈几句吗?He whispered something in her ear.他在她耳边低语了几句I did a few opening gags about the band that had played before me.我拿表演上个节目的乐队说事,插科打诨说了几句开场白。We had a short pep talk from the coach before the game.比赛开始前,教练短短地讲了几句鼓舞士气的话。He came out with some absolute pearls.他说出了几句极其滑稽可笑的蠢话。The doctor muttered something under his breath.大夫低声嘀咕了几句Don't blame them too much if they cut loose with some language.如果他们偶尔漏出几句脏话,请不要过分责怪他们。I was going to say something but he beat me to it.我刚要开口说几句,却被他抢先说了。Comedians usually have a few ready comments for members of the audience that come to heckle.对那些起哄的观众,喜剧演员通常都预备了几句应对的评语。!Dad talked short with me before I went to bed.爸爸在我睡觉前和我简短地谈了几句We were talking about the new restaurant when she threw in some non sequitur about her dog.我们正在谈论那家新餐馆时,她插了几句毫不相干的话,谈起她的狗。He made a few tasteless remarks.他说了几句无礼的话。Do you suppose we could get together for a little chat sometime soon?我们最近能抽空聚在一起聊上几句吗?He made friendly, jocular remarks when their paths crossed in the halls.他们在大厅相遇时,他说了几句友好、幽默的话。You cannot be a great leader unless you swallow a few insults.连区区几句辱骂的话都容忍不了是无法成为伟大领导人的。He made a few casual comments to her about her hair and now she's chopped it all off!他随便评论了几句她的头发,她就把头发都剪了!He merely grunted at her and nodded his head.他只对她咕哝了几句,点了点头。This comment provoked more than a few splutters.这番话招致的可不只是几句气话。The candidate couldn't help getting off a zinger or two about his opponent.这位候选人忍不住要对对手刻薄几句We were all hurting for a little praise.我们都很想听几句好话。He claims people overreacted to a few throwaway lines in the article.他声称人们对文章里几句随口说说的话反应过激。I always answered him back when I thought he was wrong.我觉得他说得不对时总是要顶他几句He walked into the house, growled a few words at my mother and then went upstairs to bed.他走进屋里,冲着我母亲吼了几句,就上楼睡觉去了。Her lapse into German didn't seem peculiar. After all, it was her native tongue.她冒出几句德语并不足为奇。毕竟那是她的母语。I had a few choice words for him. 我对他说了几句重话。She muttered something unintelligible and lapsed into silence.她不知嘟囔了几句什么后就不再开口。We exchanged a few words.我们互相聊了几句She was dying to say something sarcastic to him, but bit her tongue and stayed silent.她很想挖苦他几句,但还是忍了下来,没有说话。Why can't you get off his ass?! He's doing the best he can!你就不能少说他几句吗?!他已经尽力了!A few kind words might boost her self-confidence.几句关切的话也许就能使她增强自信。Firstly I compliment you on most of your excellent Spring issue of 'Triangle'.首先,让我来夸几句,你们《三角迷踪》春季号的大部分内容都非常精彩。The professor used some Shakespearean tags in his speech.教授在演讲中引用了几句莎士比亚的语录。As a seasoned traveller I know the value of being able to speak at least a few words of the local language.作为一个经验丰富的旅行者,我知道会说至少几句当地话的用处。In these few words the president summed up the feelings of the whole nation.总统用这几句简短的话概括了全国人民的感受。He dialled, and spoke briefly to the duty officer.他拨通了电话,跟值班员简短地说了几句He searched his mind for some words of comfort.他搜索枯肠想找到几句安慰的话。I'll say this much for Kay, she always agrees to help whenever we ask her.我要为凯美言几句,只要我们提出来,她总是愿意帮助我们。




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