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词汇 几分
例句 How would you grade your meal on a scale from one to five?按照从一到五的等级,你给自己这顿饭打几分A fake fur collar or cuff adds a dash of glamour to even the simplest style.哪怕是最简单的款式,加上人造毛皮衣领或袖口也会显出几分雍容华贵。Usually so laconic in the office, Dr. Lahey seemed less guarded, more relaxed.平常在办公室里寡言少语的莱希医生似乎少了些拘谨,多了几分轻松。The uniforms lent a certain dignity to the ceremony.这些制服为仪式增添了几分庄严。The red leaves add a welcome touch of colour to salads.这些红叶给沙拉增添了几分令人愉悦的色彩。Evergreen plants with interesting leaves, berries or flowers add variety to a window box throughout the year.常绿植物长着有趣的叶子、果实或花朵,一年四季都给窗台花盆添几分情趣。There was a certain frostiness in his smile.他的微笑里带着几分冷意。He is precise and mildly donnish in manner.他一丝不苟,带着几分学究气。There was something of this mood running throughout the Congress's deliberations.国会的商讨过程中一直透露出几分这样的情绪。The red curtains impart a certain elegance to the room.红色的窗帘使房间平添几分雅致。Maurice was always entertaining, but there was a touch of genius in the way he talked that night.莫里斯总是让人感到快乐,可那天晚上他说的话里则显示出了几分天才。Piquancy was added to the situation because Dr Porter was then on the point of marrying Hugh Miller.当时的情形因正赶上波特博士要和休·米勒结婚,便又多了几分趣味。She tried to infuse as much severity as possible into her gentle voice.她尽量想在自己温柔的嗓音里多掺入几分严厉的口气。Baker brings a touch of style to a government whose members are pretty pedestrian.政府的成员平淡无奇,贝克的到来则增添了几分个性。She nodded her head with some positiveness.她带著几分自信地点了点头。The fireworks brought a touch of magic to the occasion.焰火给这场盛会平添了几分魅力。The discovery caused something of a stir among physicists.这个发现在物理学家当中引起了几分轰动。His humor added zest to the performance.他的幽默给这场演出增添了几分趣味。Enthusiastic applause lent a sense of occasion to the proceedings.热烈的掌声给活动平添了几分隆重感。The President now seems a more chastened and less confident politician.总统如今似乎是一个多了几分谦逊少了几分自信的政治家。He was edged out in the semifinals.他在半决赛中以几分之差被淘汰出局。He's a retired Lieutenant Colonel and a bit of a martinet.他是一位退休的中校,保持着几分纪律严明的作风。A stone balcony gives the building an air of elegance.石阳台给这栋建筑增添了几分雅致。The new sponsor gives the theatre some respectability.新的赞助人使这家剧院添了几分体面。There were lines of tension around his mouth.他的嘴角透着几分紧张。Her reports were often laced with witty humor.她的报告常带着几分风趣幽默。His humor added a certain zest to the performance.他的幽默给这场演出增添了几分趣味。She adds a certain amount of experience and authority to the project.她给项目增添了几分经验和权威性。Guilt and a sense of common humanity make people less harsh.内疚感和人类的博爱使得人们少了几分严酷。With a faintly martyred air, Eric poured more of his precious cognac.带着几分可怜兮兮的神情,埃里克又倒了几杯他珍贵的科涅克白兰地酒。An elderly lady was approaching him in a somewhat hesitant manner.一位上了年纪的女士略带着几分迟疑向他走近。A local call only costs a few pence.市内电话只要花费几分钱。It infected them with some of the magic of a lost age.逝去的岁月让他们平添了几分魅力。The doctor smiled reassuringly.医生笑了笑,让人心里踏实了几分It's cold outside, but the wind makes it feel even colder.外面的气温很低,而这风更是让人添了几分寒意。She looked at me in some surprise.她带着几分惊讶望着我。Several points were taken from the total.从总分中减去几分The gatepost was dignified by the weathered brass plate of Dr Harcourt Sibley.在那块刻有哈考特·西布利医生姓名的久经风雨的黄铜牌映衬下,门柱更增添了几分庄重。Touches of humor lightened the lecture.几分幽默使演讲变得生动了。




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