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词汇 冷冰冰
例句 His hand was cold and clammy.他的手冷冰冰湿乎乎的。They received us coldly.他们冷冰冰地接待了我们。The atmosphere is chilly in the headquarters of Hewlett-Packard.惠普公司总部的气氛冷冰冰的。She turned to him with her strange dead eyes.她转过身用奇怪而冷冰冰的眼神看着他。He drove us home in stony silence.他开车送我们回家,一路冷冰冰地一言不发。The ink-black nights were turning cold, and the stars were frosty and fewer.漆黑的夜一下子冷起来,星星冷冰冰的,也越来越少了。She gave me a frosty glance.冷冰冰地瞥了我一眼。The entrance to the factory is cold, bare, and unwelcoming.工厂的入口处冷冰冰、光秃秃的,给人一种不受欢迎的感觉。Her hand touched something cold and slimy.她的手碰到了一个黏糊糊冷冰冰的东西。He gave her a chill greeting.冷冰冰地招呼她。I didn't like her much. I thought she was rather aloof.我不太喜欢她。我觉得她冷冰冰的。His mother's voice was one he knew; ice cold and deadly.他母亲的声音他是熟悉的:冷冰冰而且充满怨气。If your idea of a camping trip is a leaky tent and cold baked beans, forget it!你要是认为野营旅行就是漏雨的帐篷加上冷冰冰的烤豆子,那可就全错了!She gave me a wintry welcome.冷冰冰地迎接我。The tone of my letter had been friendly and conciliatory, so I was disappointed by the cold reply I received.我的信写得很友善,并表示愿意和解,所以收到这封冷冰冰的回信我很失望。She was light as a feather to carry, and her hands were cold as ice.把她背在身上轻如无物,她的双手也冷冰冰的。The Prime Minister smiled again, this time a trifle frostily.首相又笑了笑,这回有点儿冷冰冰的。When he crept back to his desk, he heard the dry voice of Father Laurence.他蹑手蹑脚地走回自己的桌子时,听到了劳伦斯神父冷冰冰的声音。His tone was cold and dispassionate.他的语气冷冰冰的,不带一丝感情。You're very cool with your brother, but with your friends you really come to life.你对你弟弟冷冰冰的,但跟朋友在一起倒很活跃。Mary Ann had made an effort at jazzing up the chilly modern interiors.玛丽·安曾经试图改变冷冰冰的现代室内装饰,使之更活泼多彩。Baker's voice was cold, his dark eyes icy.贝克的声音冷冰冰的,黑黑的眼睛流露出冷漠。Victorian houses can seem cold with their lofty ceilings.维多利亚式的建筑屋顶高耸,因而可能看起来冷冰冰的。I was slightly afraid of their chilly distant politeness.他们那种冷冰冰的、敬而远之的客套让我有点憷头。She's a lovely person, but her husband's a bit of a cold fish.她是个讨人喜欢的人,可她丈夫却有点冷冰冰的。The water in the lake looked cold and uninviting.湖水看上去冷冰冰的,让人不舒服。Statistics can be merely cold facts.统计数据可以只是冷冰冰的事实。The soup was cold and unappetizing, but it was all there was.那汤冷冰冰的,让人很没胃口,但也就只有汤了。Her father was quite friendly, but her mother seemed somewhat cold and indifferent.她父亲很友好,但她母亲似乎有些冷冰冰,对人不理不睬的。History reduces the carnage to impersonal numbers.历史叙述把大屠杀简缩成了冷冰冰的数字。We were going to paint our kitchen white, but we decided that would look too clinical.我们打算把厨房漆成白色,可是又觉得那样会看起来太冷冰冰了。She often comes across as rather too businesslike, even cold.她往往给人以一本正经的印象,甚至让人觉得冷冰冰的。The seaweed felt cold and slimy.海藻摸起来冷冰冰黏糊糊的。Shute's prose is stark and chillingly unsentimental.舒特的散文平铺直叙,没有感情,让人感觉冷冰冰的。British men are cold and emotionally illiterate.英国男人冷冰冰的,不善于表达感情。Shute's prose is stark and chillingly unemotional.舒特的散文平铺直叙,没有感情,让人感觉冷冰冰的。As a frequent business traveler, I have spent many nights in bland hotel rooms.我经常出差,很多个晚上都是在冷冰冰的旅馆客房里度过。The school was a cold, unwelcoming place.这所学校是个冷冰冰、毫无亲切感的地方。He felt the cold of the steel against his cheek.他感到钢铁冷冰冰地贴着脸颊。Her cool politeness had given way to open hostility.冷冰冰的客气变成了公开的敌意。




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