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词汇 冲击
例句 High impact aerobics is only for people who are extremely fit.冲击有氧操只适合体格非常强健的人。Huge seas bore down on the freighter.巨大的海浪冲击货轮。A clash with America over farm subsidies had left the Europeans and their common agricultural policy shaken but not stirred.在农场补贴问题上和美国之间的冲突使得欧洲人以及其共同的农业政策略受冲击The group has been caught in the backwash of the accounting problems which have hit the outsourcing company.该集团因这家外包公司受到会计问题冲击而遭受影响。Cheap goods from overseas could severely dent the company's sales.海外来的廉价商品可能会给这家公司的销售带来严重冲击The loss on Monday zapped any chance the team had to go on to the finals.周一的失败使这支队丧失了一切冲击决赛的机会。Many more businesses are feeling the chill wind of the recession.更多企业正在受到经济衰退的冲击One of the boats was pooped by a large wave and sank immediately.其中一条船的船尾受到巨浪的冲击,立刻便沉没了。Not surprisingly, businesses that rely on government contracts are being hit badly by the spending cuts.这不奇怪,依赖政府合同生存的企业因为政府支出削减而受到了严重的冲击The rivers that drain the north European plain are heavy with dangerous metals.冲击欧洲北部平原的各条河流含有大量危险金属物质。The boat hit the rocks and was smashed to pieces by the waves.小船撞上了岩石,被海浪冲击得粉碎。The impact is immediate and monumental.冲击随之而来,且十分剧烈。The world was still groggy from the impact.世界还未从冲击中清醒过来。The news has knocked the stock market for a loop.这一新闻使股市受到了冲击This Saturday the British star is going for gold in the Winter Olympics.本周六,这位英国明星将向冬奥会的金牌发起冲击The industry has been hit by a skills shortage because of an ageing workforce and falling recruitment levels.劳动力老龄化和招工水准降低造成的技术短缺让该行业受到了冲击Businesses are being/getting clobbered by the bad economy.企业正纷纷经受经济不景气的冲击The top of the car was caved in by the impact.那个冲击使得车顶塌了。I landed heavily on my ankle and must have damaged it in some way.我着地时脚踝受到大力冲击,肯定伤着了。The ship had been knocked about by storms.那艘船饱经疾风暴雨的冲击Under the leadership of the United Nations, most governments of the world are studying the mitigation of climate change.在联合国的领导之下,大多数的政府都在研究如何缓和气候变迁的冲击The country has been hit by recession.该国受到经济萧条的冲击Senator Sarbanes expressed concern that programs designed to soften the blow of unemployment are not working well.旨在缓解失业冲击的项目进展得并不太顺利,参议员萨班斯对此表示关切。They said Western aid was needed to cushion the blows of vital reform.他们称需要西方的援助来缓解重大改革带来的冲击She is the only serious challenger for the gold medal.她是唯一能真正冲击金牌的选手。The shock of the darkness was almost physical.黑暗的冲击几乎如同一种有形的存在。He saw first-hand the impact of colonialism.他亲眼见证了殖民主义带来的冲击A tinkling and banging began to impinge on his ear.一阵丁丁当当和乒乒乓乓之声开始冲击他的耳膜。The impact jarred her ankles and she almost fell.冲击震伤了她的脚踝,她几乎跌倒。Because of the impact of Islamic terrorism, the candidate Donald Trump is proposing to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. Many people think he is putting the cart before the horse.因为回教恐怖主义的冲击,候选人川普主张禁止回教徒进入美国。许多人认为他这是本末倒置。Every window in the building had been shattered by the force of the blast.大楼里的每一扇窗户都被爆炸的冲击震碎了。Imports of stainless products continued to impact profits.进口的不锈钢产品继续冲击利润。Cities on the coast felt/bore the brunt of the storm.沿岸城市感受到/经受了风暴的冲击European policymakers have consistently failed to respond to economic shocks.欧洲决策者没有一次能够应对经济冲击The company has been hammered by the downturn in the construction and motor industries.该公司因建筑业和汽车业的下滑而受到了冲击People with limited incomes are hit particularly hard by inflation.收入有限的人们受通货膨胀的冲击尤其严重。There was nothing soft to cushion the fall.没有任何软东西缓和一下跌落的冲击The bank may try to soften the blow somewhat with a cut in interest rates.该银行可能会通过降低利率来缓解冲击A visit to India assaults all your senses at once.去印度旅游会马上给你带来很大的感官冲击There should be compensation for British farmers hit by the slump in demand.应对因需求下降而遭受冲击的英国农民进行补偿。




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