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词汇 冰球
例句 The goalie blanked the Falcons for two periods in the hockey game.在那场冰球比赛中,守门员两节内没让猎鹰队得分。The hockey/football player had his bell rung during the play.比赛中,那个冰球/橄榄球运动员的头部挨了重重的一击。He likes hockey as much as he likes basketball. 他喜欢冰球的程度不亚于篮球。The goalie couldn't see the puck because of the screen.守门员被挡住了视线,看不到冰球He jabbed at the other player with his hockey stick.他用冰球杆捅了另一名球员一下。His parents won't let him play ice hockey because they think it's too dangerous.他的父母不让他打冰球,因为他们认为太危险。The rule book says that once the puck fully crosses the line it is a goal.规则手册上说,一旦冰球完全过线,就判得分。Hockey is a religion in Canada.冰球是加拿大人最喜爱的运动。She plays hockey in the winter.冬天里她打冰球He drove the puck into the net.他用力把冰球击入网内。The puck came to Primeau, who just feathered it into the net.冰球来到普里莫跟前,他轻轻一带就把它送入网了。Hockey superstar Wayne Gretzky played for L.A. before retiring.冰球超级明星韦恩·格雷茨基退役前在洛杉矶队打球。Two referees officiated the hockey game.在这场冰球比赛中有两名裁判。Ice hockey is a contact sport.冰球是一项允许身体碰撞的运动。Ice hockey is a very physical sport.冰球是一项非常剧烈的运动。He doesn't like rough sports like hockey.他不喜欢像冰球那样的粗野运动。Hockey and soccer are not that far removed from each other.冰球和足球并非毫不相干。He likes baseball but he likes hockey just as much.他喜欢棒球,但同样也喜欢冰球Hockey is a fast, exciting game to watch.冰球速度快,看起来很刺激。The hockey player tipped the puck into the net.冰球手把球轻击进球门网。He first played hockey on frozen ponds outside of town.他最初在小镇外面结冰的湖面上打冰球Carey fell over and broke his leg while playing ice hockey.凯里打冰球时跌了一跤,摔断了腿。Once a week, he plays hockey in a noncompetitive league.他每周都会参加一次非竞技冰球联赛。It was a very physical hockey game.那是一场非常激烈的冰球比赛。He is attracted to hockey because of the constant action of the game.他喜欢打冰球,因为这项运动要不停地动。A brawl broke out among the fans after the hockey game.冰球比赛结束后,球迷之间爆发了一场斗殴。He fired the puck home. 他把冰球打进了球门。They went to the hockey game at Madison Square Garden.他们去麦迪逊广场花园观看冰球比赛。He shot the puck into the net.他把冰球打入网中。You can't really play hockey if you don't have a goal to shoot at.没有球门,就玩不了冰球At times, the puck seemed like a hot potato to them.有些时候,对他们而言,冰球就像烫手山芋一样难以控制。The hockey player was ejected from the game for popping off to the referee.这名冰球选手因为对裁判员怒吼被取消了比赛资格。Hockey goalies wear a chest protector that is similar to the one a catcher in baseball wears.冰球守门员穿着类似棒球接球手穿的护胸。




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