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词汇 burned
例句 The sun set in a pyrotechnic display that burned up the whole sky.日落时呈现出焰火般绚烂的色彩,映红了整个天空。He was badly burned in the blaze.他在大火中严重烧伤。The quick action of the firemen saved the building from being burned down.消防队员行动及时,该建筑物方免遭焚毁。His store was burned down because he refused to pay for protection.因为拒交保护费,他的商店被烧了。He read the letter and burned it straightway.他看了信后马上将它烧了。They are reforesting the burned areas of land.他们在被大火烧过的地块上重新造林。The acid burned his hand.酸液灼伤了他的手。I can smell burned toast.我闻到面包片烤糊的味儿。He's been burned in love before.他以前在爱情上吃过亏。His anger finally burned itself out. 他的怒气终于消了。The body was so badly burned it was no longer recognizable as a human being.尸体烧得很严重,再也无法辨认出是人的身体。Her thin cigar burned quite quickly.她的细雪茄燃得很快。Several people were burned to death.有几个人被烧死了。She burned her hand on the hot stove. = The hot stove burned her hand.她的手被炙热的火炉烫伤了。The charred body of a man was found by police in a burned-out car last night.警方昨晚在一辆烧毁的汽车里发现了一具烧焦的男尸。The wood gave off a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned.这种木头燃烧时发出甜甜的香味。She'd invested extensively in stocks and got her fingers burned when the market collapsed.她在股市上大量投资,结果股市崩溃损失惨重。I burned my shoulders over the weekend and they're starting to blister.周末时我的肩膀晒伤了,现在开始起水疱了。After the fire the factory was completely burned out.火灾后工厂成为一片废墟。The weeks of intense heat burned the crops to a crisp.几周的酷热把作物都晒焦了。In the typical Western diet, all the energy in protein is burned up daily.典型的西方饮食中,蛋白质里的能量是每天都消耗完的。Women were burned as witches in the Middle Ages.中世纪时期,女人被当成巫婆烧死。Yes, the music library burned, three or four double basses burned. It's just unbelievable.是的,音乐图书馆被烧了,三四把低音提琴烧毁了。真是太不幸了。The city was reduced to ashes by the fire. = The city was burned to ashes.那个城市被烧为灰烬。Dental records are a very reliable aid in the identification of badly burned bodies.辨认严重烧坏的尸体时,牙科记录是很可靠的辅助资料。The antiseptic really burned when I rubbed it on.我把抗菌剂涂在皮肤上时确实有灼热感。The whole city was burned to the ground.整座城市都被烧光了。The family lost everything when their home burned down.这户人家因房屋被烧毁而变得一无所有。The letter was burned and its contents will never be known.信被烧了,信中的内容永远不会有人知道了。Protesters set cars on fire and burned a building.抗议者们火烧汽车并烧毁了一栋建筑物。He burned letters and diaries to cover his tracks.为了掩盖行迹,他烧毁了信件和日记。The book was considered blasphemous and all copies ordered to be burned.这本书被断定为亵渎神明之作,并被下令悉数焚毁。Demonstrators ransacked and burned the house where he was staying.示威者搜遍了他的住处,并放火烧了那里。Badly infected trees should be felled and burned.受到严重感染的树木应砍倒并烧毁。The sun had burned away the last of the mist.阳光驱散了最后一层薄雾。A small fire burned brightly in the fireplace.壁炉里的小火烧得很旺。The company got badly burned in the collapse.网络行业崩溃的时候,公司遭受了重大亏损。His face was badly burned and he had to have skin transplanted.他的脸部受到严重烧伤,不得不请医生植皮。Incense is often burned in their religious rites.在他们的宗教仪式上常常要焚香。The dry wood snapped and crackled as it burned.干柴燃烧时发出劈啪的爆裂声。




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