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词汇 内敛
例句 James is a very deep individual.詹姆斯是一个非常内敛的人。His natural reserve made him appear self-conscious.他天生的内敛性格让他显得有些拘谨。English people have a reputation for being very reserved.英国人以性格内敛著称。Even though I'm quite a reserved person, I like meeting people.我虽然性格极为内敛,但喜欢和人接触。His undemonstrative playing at the piano was a model of restraint.他弹奏钢琴时不流露感情,非常内敛His reserved manner was a perfect foil for/to her bubbly personality.内敛的举止使她活泼热情的性格更显突出。The tone of his poetry is restrained and unemotional.他的诗作风格平和内敛The world which the book inhabits seems too self-consciously literary, too introverted.该书所描绘的世界似乎过分刻意地追求文学性,过于内敛含蓄。They are very reserved people, the English. It takes some time to get to know them.英格兰人性格很内敛,了解他们要花点时间。The actor powerfully conveys the novelist's intense privateness.男演员将这名小说家的内敛孤僻表现得生动传神。




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