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词汇 内心深处
例句 She felt a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach.她的内心深处有一种不祥之感。Deep inside the awareness was stirring that something was about to happen.内心深处隐隐感觉到有什么事即将发生。I knew it was true in the core of my being.内心深处,我知道这是真实的。I just couldn't bring myself to admit what I knew in my heart to be true.我就是无法承认自己内心深处明明知道的事情。I was stimulated to examine my deepest thoughts.我深受启发,开始审视自己内心深处的想法。I said I loved her, but in my heart of hearts I knew it wasn't true.我说我爱她,可是在内心深处我知道这不是真的。He put on a show of indifference, but at the bottom of his heart he was bitterly disappointed.他装出一副满不在乎的样子,但在内心深处却感到极度失望。Deep down, we had always detested each other.内心深处,我们一直都彼此厌恶。There was still a nagging doubt in the back of her mind.她的内心深处仍然有一个无法摆脱的疑惑。She revealed her inmost thoughts and feelings.她透漏了自己内心深处的思想和情感。She works with emotionally disturbed people, teaching them to express their innermost feelings through poetry.她与情感受困扰的人打交道,教他们用诗歌来表达内心深处的感情。Many patients have told me their innermost thoughts.很多患者告诉过我他们内心深处的想法。He let out an anguished cry from the depths of his soul.他从内心深处发出了一声痛苦的呐喊。He suspected that deep down, she admired him for having the gumption to disagree with her.他猜测,她内心深处十分佩服自己有勇气和她唱反调。We discussed our innermost feelings.我们谈了自己内心深处的感受。There was still the faint hope deep within him that she might never need to know.内心深处仍怀有一丝隐约的希望:她也许永远不必知晓。He confided his innermost secrets to her.他向她倾吐了内心深处的秘密。His impeccable neatness was an attempt to satisfy some deep-buried urge to please his father.他无可挑剔的整洁是为了满足内心深处想取悦父亲的愿望。Underneath I think he's actually a rather nasty piece of work.内心深处我觉得他是个非常讨厌的家伙。That was clearly a deep mystical experience.显然,那是内心深处所经历的一次神秘历程。This was the diary in which Gina recorded her innermost thoughts and secrets.这是吉娜记载内心深处思想和秘密的那本日记。He knows in his heart of hearts that he is not the right man for that mission.内心深处,他知道自己不是那个任务的合适人选。Deep down, I think she's really very ambitious.我认为她在内心深处的确是个非常有抱负的人。He searched the innermost recesses of his soul.他探索自己的内心深处He might look like a mean old man, but deep down inside he is a very kind person.也许他表面上像个吝啬的老头,但在内心深处,他是个很善良的人。I kept reassuring them but deep in my heart I knew we had no hope.我一再安慰他们,但在内心深处我知道我们没有任何希望。She revealed her innermost feelings/secrets.她坦露了自己内心深处的情感/秘密。He buried the memory in the deepest recesses of his mind.他将那段记忆埋藏在内心深处In his inmost heart, he knew he didn't love me.内心深处知道自己并不爱我。Something inside of me told me not to trust him.我的内心深处告诉我不要相信他。I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something terrible was going to happen.内心深处觉得有什么可怕的事就要发生了。At the back of her mind, she knew he was lying.内心深处,她知道他在撒谎。All artists have part of themselves that they can never share with anyone else.所有艺术家内心深处都有一些不愿和他人分享的东西。I didn't want to believe it, but in my heart of hearts I knew that it was true.我不愿相信,但在内心深处我知道那是真的。What is needed is a change from the inside, a real change in outlook and attitude.现在需要的是内心深处的变化,在看法与态度上的真正改变。I pushed the problem down into the dim recesses of my mind.我把这个问题藏到内心深处,不去多想它。She was able to draw on her immense inner strength.她能够汲取内心深处的巨大力量。He could not escape the guilt that he felt in the inner recesses of his soul.他无法摆脱内心深处的愧疚。Deep down I knew that Caroline was right.我在内心深处知道卡罗琳是对的。Soon several of them were divulging their secret longings.不一会儿,他们中有几个人便开始倾吐起各自内心深处的渴望。




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