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例句 She described him as a typical Guardian reader.她把他描述为一个典型的《卫报》读者。Hot dogs are the paradigmatic American food.热狗是典型的美式食品。Marianne was tempted to turn the large rooms into traditional French-style salons, while Howard was in favour of a typically English look.玛丽安娜想把这些大房间弄成传统法式客厅的样子,但是霍华德喜欢典型的英式风格。Stan Reilly is not really one of your typical Brighton Boys.斯坦·赖利其实并不是那种典型的布赖顿男孩。Hunting was a typically masculine occupation.打猎是典型的男人的消遣活动。Aaron was brought up as a typical American child.阿龙接受的是典型的美国孩子的教育。Leather jackets are as American as apple pie and Harley-Davidsons.皮夹克具有典型的美国特色,此外还有哈利-戴维森摩托车。She's a typical teenager, coming home late at night and mouthing off to her parents.她是个典型的处于青春期的青少年,深夜才回家,又和父母顶嘴。He's a supreme example of the English eccentric.他是一个极典型的行为古怪的英国人。Washington looks like a poster boy for strength and athleticism.华盛顿看上去是个典型的体魄强健、崇尚运动的人。Burke's arrogance seems to typify this government's approach.伯克的傲慢似乎典型地体现了该政府的态度。Ashley's pretty bedroom looks typically English.阿什莉那漂亮的卧室具有典型的英国特征。Both men display the fiery self-reliance that natives of Oregon tend to possess.两个人都表现出刚强自立的气质,这是俄勒冈人的典型气质。William is a poster child for incompetence.威廉是典型的窝囊废。He has been a prominent victim of alleged witch-hunts against whistle-blowers in the NHS.他成了英国国民保健制度下所谓追查报复检举者行动的典型牺牲品。Gothic architecture is typified by soaring rooflines and stained glass.哥特式建筑的典型特点就是高耸的屋脊线和彩色玻璃。Dillon is the poster child for wasted talent.狄龙是典型的被埋没的人才。Louisa is typical of many young women who attempt suicide.路易莎是许多尝试自杀的年轻女子的典型代表。It is a familiar, and quintessentially British, ritual.这是一个常见的典型英式仪式。Toney has been held up as the encapsulation of everything that is both good and bad in boxing.托尼被视为体现拳击运动积极与消极方面的典型She wore her clothes with typical Italian panache.她穿衣服有典型的意大利人的气度。It was your typical day: I went to work, came home, had dinner, yada yada yada.这是典型的一天:我去上班,下班回家,吃饭,等等等等。This fresco is typical of the painter's early manner.这幅壁画典型地体现了那位画家早期的风格。They plan to recreate a typical English village in Japan.他们计划在日本再现一个典型的英国式村庄。The battle was a classic example/case of poor planning.这场战役堪称筹划不周的典型实例。That's a typically masculine attitude!这是一种典型的男人态度!He was the quintessence of all that Eva most deeply loathed.他是伊娃最深恶痛绝的那种人中的典型She was displaying classic symptoms of shock.她表现出典型的中风症状。This letter typifies his loyalty and consideration.这封信典型地显示了他的忠心与深思。The country's decline is a case study in economic mismanagement.该国的衰落就是经济管理不善的一个典型案例。Matisse's palette typically consists of bright blues, greens and oranges.马蒂斯所运用的典型色彩包括亮蓝、绿色和橙色。He threw a party worthy of a millionaire.他举办了一场典型的百万富翁式的聚会。Her dance partner is a superb physical specimen.她的舞伴是体格健壮者的典型代表。Dictionaries show typical patterns of usage.词典列出的是典型用法。This is a typical bourgeois neighborhood.这是一个典型的中产阶级地区。The melting of ice caps is a prime example of the effects of global warming.冰盖融化是全球变暖影响的一个典型例证。In his dark suit, he looked like the archetypal businessman.他穿上那套深色西装,看上去像个典型的实业家。The killing in Pensacola is emblematic of a lot of the violence that is happening around the world.彭萨柯拉的杀人事件是世界各地发生的大量暴力事件的典型代表。A typical PDA can function as a mobile phone, fax sender, and personal organizer.典型的掌上电脑具有移动电话、传真发送机和个人文件夹的功能。It's a typical local authority with cumbersome committee procedures.这是典型的有着各种繁杂委员会程序的地方政府。




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