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词汇 具体
例句 What exactly will the impact of all these communication innovations be?所有这些通讯上的革新,将具体产生哪些影响?There was no specific plan in my mind.我脑子里没有具体的计划。When the writer conceived this role, he had a specific actor in mind to play the part.在构想这个角色时,作者心中已想好了饰演这个人物的具体演员。We had our suspicions, but no solid facts.我们心存怀疑,但缺乏具体事实。There were no concrete proposals on the table.没有具体的建议提交讨论。Gold is concrete, wealth is abstract.金子是具体的,财富是抽象的。Photographer in Residence required. There are no specific teaching commitments but he will be expected to be available to students on an informal basis.招聘驻校摄影师。不要求摄影师担任具体教职,但希望能在非正式雇用的基础上随时为学生服务。This report offered the most specific and accurate description of the problems.该报告对这些问题进行了最具体、最准确的描述。A farmer is entitled to a certain particularized tax treatment.农民能够得到某种具体的税收待遇。The prize was a tangible testimony that she had got a germ of writing ability.这个奖是一个具体的证明,说明她具有创作才能。In this study, we made no specific predictions about likely outcomes.在这项研究中,我们没有对可能的结果作具体的预测。That will serve your specific aims.那将有助于达到你的具体目的。The security council will consider the situation and the need for full compliance.安理会将会考虑具体形势以及全面遵守的必要性。People are sick of macro answers to micro problems.对细小具体的问题作空泛而不着边际的解答,对此人们都厌烦了。Before we can consider the details we need to have an overview of the whole situation.我们在考虑具体的问题之前,需要对整个情况作一简单介绍。Let me give you a concrete example of what I mean.我给你举一个具体的例子说明我的意思。Developers have agreed to buy the site for an undisclosed sum.开发商同意买下那块地,具体金额并未披露。The exact whereabouts of the consignment is unclear.不清楚寄存物的具体下落。Due to the speculative nature of the evidences, the judge could not arrive at a concrete decision.因为所有的证据都是推测性的,法官无法作出具体的结论。The exact time of the meeting is still to be decided.开会的具体时间待定。We hope the meetings will produce concrete results.我们希望这些会议会产生具体成效。The attorney who will prosecute the case says he cannot reveal how much money is involved.将对此案提起公诉的律师说他不能透露具体的涉案金额。Your decision must be translated into specific, concrete actions.你的决定必须转化为具体明确的行动。In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare.毕业税具体操作起来不啻一场行政噩梦。The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques.这场争论的焦点是具体的会计技术。The book offers no specific directives for what the reader should do.这本书没有提供读者应该如何做的具体指示。List in the spaces below the specific changes you have made.在下面空白处列出你所作的具体改动。You say your home is in the South. Can you be a bit more specific?你说你的家在南方。你能说得更具体一点吗?Keep a diary and allocate tasks to specific days.坚持记日志,并把任务分派到具体的日子。The book provides concrete interpretations of some rather abstract concepts.这本书对某些颇为抽象的概念进行了具体的解释。The terms of reference for the committee are narrow and specific.委员会的职权范围有限而且具体We have yet to see any concrete results from the research.我们还没看到这一研究的具体成果。Each recipe specifies the size of egg to be used.每种菜谱都具体规定了所用鸡蛋的大小。Companies always quarrel about the exact terms of the agreement.公司总是为协议的具体条款争来吵去。He's has had so many different girlfriends lately that I no longer can keep count.他最近有太多女朋友,我都记不清具体数目了。Specific gestures can indicate particular moods.具体的手势可以表示特定的情绪。Each of these cells have their specific jobs to do, but they also interrelate with each other.这些细胞都有各自的具体分工,但它们也相互联系。The company has been sold for an undisclosed amount.那家公司已被卖掉,具体售价未公开。Although he won't say exactly what he's working on now, he says he has quite a few irons in the fire.他不肯说自己具体在做什么,不过他说了同时有好几件事情在做。Most commodity funds track a specific commodity index.多数商品基金都会跟踪某种具体的商品价格指数。




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