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词汇 其他地方
例句 Have you any valuables anywhere else in the house?.你房子里其他地方还有贵重物品吗?Because of the snowstorm on the east coast, flights for Boston were sent as far away as Montreal.由于东海岸有暴风雪,去波士顿的航班要转飞到其他地方,最远到蒙特利尔去。Experiments elsewhere corroborate these results.其他地方的试验也证实了这些结果。The loss was partially offset by increases in revenues elsewhere.其他地方收益的增加部分地抵消了这一损失。The money we save will be redirected to other parts of the business.我们的存款将用在生意的其他地方Try looking for the phrase in another place in the dictionary.试着在词典的其他地方查找这个短语。In North America and Europe, cats are companions for many people. Elsewhere, they are not regarded as pets.在北美和欧洲,猫是许多人的伴侣,而在其他地方,它们不被视为宠物。Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.纵观历史,人们一直被这样一个问题吸引着:宇宙的其他地方是否也存在着有智力的生物?The yellow and blue theme in the kitchen carries through to the rest of the house.厨房的黄蓝色调一直延伸到房子的其他地方In Italy, as elsewhere, television has made deep inroads into cinema.在意大利,电视抢走了电影的大块市场,这一点跟世界其他地方一样。This bird species is not found anywhere else in the world. 世界任何其他地方都没有这种鸟。The directors did not want Daniel to leave, but they knew he could earn much more somewhere else.董事们不希望丹尼尔走,但是他们知道,他到其他地方赚的钱可以多得多。Some places are more problematic than others for women travelling alone.女子独自旅行时,有些地方比其他地方更容易出问题。In America most leisure-time activities are about a million times better than anywhere else.美国大多数休闲娱乐活动比其他地方要丰富得多的多。This kind of forest exists nowhere else in the world.在世界其他地方找不到这样的森林。Dublin people dress more individually than people in London or wherever.都柏林人比伦敦或任何其他地方的人都穿得有个性。California oil is a heavier and inferior grade of oil, compared with other crude oils.其他地方的原油相比,加州石油更黏稠、等级低。If you take text from other sources, place it in quotes.如果你的文字来自其他地方,将其置于引号中。This state isn't too bad off compared to other parts of the country.与该国其他地方相比,这个州的状况还不算很差The cost of goods here is out of line with the rest of the world.这里的商品成本与世界其他地方的商品成本有差异。Crowds elsewhere drew fire from troops.其他地方的人群吸引了军队的火力。He'll work as a freelance consultant, unless he finds a better job elsewhere.除非在其他地方找到更好的工作,否则他就做一个自由职业顾问。Elsewhere in the region, conditions are significantly better.在该地区的其他地方,条件明显较好。We've opened up stores in the UK and we hope to do the same in the rest of Europe.我们在英国开了商店,希望在欧洲其他地方也这样做。In an otherwise excellent issue, I found Creed's article very unconvincing.我觉得除了克里德的文章非常缺乏说服力外,这一期杂志其他地方都很出色。This attitude was in deep contrast with popular feeling in the rest of Italy.这一态度与意大利其他地方的普遍情绪形成鲜明对比。In some places he was quicker and at others I'd gain on him.他在某些地方比我快,而我会在其他地方追上他。Campaign in the rest of the world in pursuance of this objective.在世界其他地方开展运动以实现这一目标。My bangs were cut short, but the rest of my hair was long.我剪短了刘海,但其他地方的头发还是很长。These rootless young people have nowhere else to go.这些漂泊不定的年轻人没有其他地方可去。They will then have more money to spend on other things.这样他们就可以有更多的钱花在其他地方If I lived elsewhere, I might think differently.如果我生活在其他地方,我的想法或许会不同。Allen, don't you dare go anywhere else, you hear?艾伦,其他地方哪儿都不准去,听到了吗?The British are good drivers compared to those in the rest of the EU.与欧盟其他地方的驾车者相比,英国人算是好司机了。The Western Highlands possess a beauty and a majesty found nowhere else in Britain.西部高地的风光雄伟壮丽,这在英国其他地方是没有的。The restaurant serves delicious sausages and other regional delicacies.这家餐馆供应美味的香肠和其他地方风味。The panel shows marked similarities with mosaics found elsewhere.这块嵌板和在其他地方找到的镶嵌图案有明显的相似之处。Where eastern Germany goes the rest will surely follow.东德怎样做,其他地方一定会效仿。This project is soaking up resources that could be used elsewhere.这个项目正在大量耗费本可以用于其他地方的资源。This song is popular in Europe and elsewhere.这首歌在欧洲和其他地方很流行。




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