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例句 Francis bundled up her clothes again into their small sack.弗朗西丝再次把她的衣服塞进了他们的小袋子里。Six of us bundled into a taxi.我们六个人挤进了一辆出租车。The next morning, Franklin and Eleanor bundled up the baby and carried him to New York.第二天早上,富兰克林和埃莉诺把宝宝裹得严严实实,带着他上纽约去了。Her mother had bundled all her Forties clothes up and burnt them.她母亲把她四十几岁时穿的所有衣服都包起来烧掉了。He bundled the children off to school.他匆忙把孩子们送到了学校。My mother bundled up all my comics and threw them out.妈妈把我所有的连环画册捆起来,然后扔掉了。Someone had bundled the wet towels into a big pile.有人把湿毛巾捆成了一大叠。He bundled the papers together and shoved them into a drawer.他把文件扎在一起塞进抽屉。He was bundled into a car by the policemen.他被警察推入汽车。The next day, they bundled up the baby and carried him to New York.第二天,他们给孩子穿上暖和衣服,带他去了纽约。She bundled the children into the car.她把孩子们塞进了车里。They bundled the children into the back of their car and drove off.他们把孩子们推进汽车后面的座位,然后开走了。He bundled all his clothes together and put them in a bag.他把衣服收集起来装进一只包里。They were bundled out of the country.他们被驱逐出境。The sick person was bundled off to hospital.病人被匆匆送去医院。Spectators, bundled up against the cold, stood and listened to the President speak for an hour.观众穿上御寒的衣服,站着听总统演讲了一个小时。The kids were bundled up in coats and scarves.孩子们穿着大衣,系着围巾,裹得严严实实。Tourists bundled into the waiting buses.观光者匆匆上了等候的巴士汽车。He bundled the old lady into her hallway and brutally attacked her.他将老妇人推到她家走廊上,并对她一顿暴打。They bundled Perez into the car and drove off.他们把佩雷斯推上汽车,然后开走了。He was bundled in and arrested as soon as he was airborne.飞机一起飞他就被强行逮捕了。I grabbed my notebook and together with three fellow journalists bundled into an old taxi.我抓起笔记本,然后和三位记者同事挤进了一辆旧出租车。Security officers had the man bundled out of the convention hall.安保人员把这个人赶出了会议大厅。He was bundled out of the room with unceremonious haste.他被粗鲁地匆匆撵了出去。She bundled up the children.她给孩子们穿得很暖和。They blindfolded him and bundled him through the door.他们蒙住他的眼睛,把他推出门外。She was bundled off to summer camp.她被匆匆送到了夏令营。Their clothes were bundled into plastic bags.他们的衣服被捆好并装进了塑料袋里。I bundled the papers together.我把文件捆在了一起。After the coffee we bundled up and walked down to the river.喝完咖啡,我们穿上厚厚的衣服,往河边走去。She bundled up her belongings and put them in a bag.她把随身物品整理好放进包里。The injured girl was bundled off to hospital.那个受伤的女孩被匆匆送到医院。One of the men was grabbed and bundled into a car.其中有一个人被抓住并被绑进汽车里。She bundled all the clothes into that bag.她把衣服全都塞进那只包里。He had been bundled into the back of a Volkswagen by three masked men.他被三名蒙面男子迅速推入一辆大众汽车的后座。I bundled up in my coat, hat and gloves.我穿上外衣,戴上帽子和手套。He bundled the back numbers.他把旧杂志扎成一梱。The pair were then bundled off to a neighbour's house by waiting police.留守的警察随后把夫妇俩打发到邻居家去了。It's cheaper to buy software bundled with a PC than separately.电脑和软件捆绑购买比分别购买便宜。Her friends managed to get her out of the pub and bundled her home.她的朋友设法把她拉出小酒馆,匆匆送她回家。




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