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词汇 关节
例句 Osteopathy involves massage and manipulation of the bones and joints.正骨术包括对骨头和关节进行按摩和推拿。In some diseases, the protective layer in a joint wears away.患某些疾病时,关节处的保护层会受到磨损。The joint should be able to move freely.关节应该能活动自如。Osteoarthritis often involves the first carpometacarpal joints, knee joints, and spine.关节炎常常发生在大拇指的腕掌关节,膝关节和脊柱。As you become older, your joints get stiffer.随着年龄增加,关节就会变僵硬。Joints are classified according to the amount of movement possible between the articulating surfaces.关节的分类是以关节活动度的大小为依据的。She suffers in the winter when it's cold and her joints get stiff.冬天天气寒冷,她的关节会变得僵硬,这让她非常难受。I've had a lot of pain in my joints recently, especially in my wrists and shoulders.最近我的关节痛得厉害,尤其是手腕和肩部。He has a bad knee that will limit his participation in training.他有一个关节不好,限制了他参加培训。I want you to note particularly the way the lower limb articulates with the upper.我希望你能特别注意下肢和上肢是如何通过关节连接的。The majority of sports injuries are due to excessive mechanical stress on joints, ligaments and muscles.多数运动损伤都是因关节、韧带和肌肉承受过度机械应力造成的。He yawned his jaws out of joint.他打呵欠打得下巴关节脱了臼。This anti-inflammatory agent prevents the joints from swelling.这种消炎药剂可预防关节肿大。Continuing to run in worn-out running shoes increases the stress and impact on your legs and joints.一直穿着破旧的跑鞋跑步会给关节和大腿增加压力和影响。She suffered a great deal of pain from the displacement of a joint.关节脱臼,疼痛难禁。There was a scrape on the knuckles of his right hand.他右手关节有一处擦伤。She requires hourly physiotherapy so her joints don't stiffen.她需要每小时做一次物理治疗,这样她的关节才会不僵直。Haemophiliacs often get bleeds in their joints.血友病患者常常关节出血。The damp has stiffened her joints.湿气让她的关节都僵硬了。She's been having pain in her muscles and joints.她的肌肉和关节一直疼痛。As you get older, your joints and muscles tend to get weaker.随着年龄变老,你的关节和肌肉会变得越来越虚弱。You have fluid in the joint.你这个关节部位有积液。It's important to keep the joint mobile while it heals.关节痊愈时,保持关节活动是很重要的。You must exercise your joints to keep them supple.你必须锻炼关节以保持其灵活性。A massage will loosen up your joints.按摩可以放松关节It improves the strength and mobility of joints.它能提高关节的力量和灵活性。Her joints are severely inflamed.她的关节严重发炎。Some ankle fractures have an associated injury to the syndesmosis.脚踝骨折有时会连带损伤韧带联合关节Some people can put back a twisted joint by careful manipulation.有些人小心推拿就能把扭脱的关节矫正过来。Chiropractic treatment involves the rapid manipulation of joints in the spine.脊椎推拿法是指对脊椎关节进行快速推拿。Jogging went out when it was found to be harmful for the joints.当人们发现慢跑对关节有害时,它就不再流行了。The leaf is separated from the bark by an articulation.这片叶子因一个关节与树皮分开。He slowly stood up, joints creaking in protest.他慢慢站起身来,关节发出嘎巴嘎巴的抗议声。The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws.手指粗糙,关节突出,指甲又长又弯,让人想起动物的爪子。Inflammation can limit joint function, and destroy bone, cartilage, and other articular structures.发炎可能限制关节功能并损伤骨骼、软骨和其他关节组织。Joints in the body have a membranous lining.身体关节内有一层膜状的内衬。Surgeons successfully implanted an artificial hip.外科医生成功地植入了一个人工胯关节You may experience some pain in your joints.你的关节可能会有些痛。The two bones are articulated like a hinge.这两块骨头由关节铰链般连接起来。Cycling puts very little stress on the joints.骑车时关节受力很小。




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