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The minister accused his opponent of being a crypto-communist.部长指责其对手是地下共产党员。He got the crackpot that the president is a Communist.他疯狂地以为总统是共产党员。Members of the Communist Party were blacklisted and had great difficulty finding work.共产党员被列入了黑名单,要找到工作非常困难。He was not a member of the Communist Party or even a fellow traveler.他不是共产党员,甚至也不赞同共产党的主张。Being a Communist was a badge of honour for thousands of trade union activists.对数千工会积极分子来说,成为共产党员是荣誉的象征。The socialists hope to join forces with the communists to fight the next election.社会党员希望与共产党员联手,参加下一届的竞选。 |