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词汇 共产主义
例句 Later in life he grew rather disillusioned with communism.晚年他对共产主义越发不抱幻想了。They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries.他们正在讨论促进前共产主义国家民主和繁荣的最佳办法。They see this election as a chance to put the final seal on the defeat of communism.他们把这次选举看作是彻底击败共产主义的一次机会。They distanced themselves from the upper class and adopted a communist ideology.他们与上流阶层疏远并接受了共产主义思想。She deplored unbridled capitalism as much as communism.她既强烈反对共产主义,也强烈反对放任自由的资本主义。The new world order was expected to come into existence after the collapse of Communism in eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War.东欧共产主义垮台和冷战结束后,世界盼望一个新秩序的诞生。Communism has never really taken root in England.共产主义从未真正在英格兰扎根。The around-the-world dispersion of Marxism created a few Communist countries.马克思主义的全球散布缔造了几个共产主义国家。The whole apparatus of communism was already falling apart.整个共产主义制度已经土崩瓦解。The aim of US foreign policy at that time was to prevent the spread of communism.那时美国外交政策的目标是阻止共产主义的发展壮大。His main desire was to strike a blow against the communist forces.他的主要意图是打击共产主义力量。He flirted with communism when he was young.他年轻时曾闹着玩儿似的参与了共产主义事业。The collapse of Communism changed East-West relations for ever.共产主义在东欧的瓦解永久性地改变了东方集团与西方集团之间的关系。At school we were fed communist/right-wing propaganda.在学校时我们被灌输了共产主义/右翼思想。Communist/Nazi/Republican/right-wing propagandists宣扬共产主义/纳粹/共和党理念/右翼思想的人Marx was the progenitor of communism.马克思是共产主义的创始人。The play presents a panorama of the history of communism.这场演出呈现了共产主义历史的全貌。These assumptions about Communism skewed American foreign policy for decades.关于共产主义的这些假设使美国的外交政策数十年来存有偏见。There are few true believers in communism left in the party.党内虔诚信仰共产主义的党员所剩无几。Both countries had thrown off the communist yoke.两国都已经摆脱了共产主义的枷锁。This period provided an ideal environment for the spread of communism.这段时期为共产主义的传播提供了理想的环境。He selflessly directed all his energies to the cause of communism.他无私地把全部精力贡献于共产主义事业。Truman had a strong dislike for communism.杜鲁门极为厌恶共产主义The EU could be expanded to include former communist countries.欧盟可以通过吸收前共产主义国家来扩大自己的规模。




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