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词汇 六天
例句 We walked for six days and six nights.我们走了六天六夜。I am due six days' leave.我应该获得六天的假期。It took them six days to climb the mountain.他们花了六天时间才登上那座山。I remember how glad I felt debarking from a ship in Bremerhaven after six days on the ocean.我记得经过海上六天的航行后在不来梅港下船时有多高兴。According to the Bible, the world was created in six days.《圣经》上说,世界是用了六天创造出来的。She would have to wait and be patient until her meeting with Yvette six days from now.六天后她和伊薇特见面,在此以前她只得耐心等待。Since the last big outbreak of fighting six days ago, the city has been strangely quiet.自从六天前爆发了一次大规模的战斗以来,该市一直平静得有些异常。The boy has been missing for six days, and there are fears for his safety.男孩已失踪六天了,大家都担心他的安全。Peace protesters broke into the Administration building and occupied it for six days.和平抗议者冲进行政大楼,占领了六天




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