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词汇 公民权利
例句 Many people feel that their civil rights are coming under threat. 许多人感到他们的公民权利正在受到威胁。There must be equality of rights for all citizens, regardless of nationality.不分民族,所有公民权利均等。His courage in defending religious and civil rights inspired many outside the church.他在捍卫宗教和公民权利时所表现出来的勇气鼓舞了许多教会之外的人。She renounced her citizenship.她宣布放弃公民权利The Supreme Court decision paved the way for further legislation on civil rights.最高法院的这一判决为公民权利方面的进一步立法铺平了道路。The civil rights movement illustrates how people can change the constitution of their country.公民权利运动说明了人民如何能改革自己国家的宪法。He spoke with special emphasis on the subject of civil rights.在谈到公民权利这个话题时,他特别加重了语气。He advocated non-violent civil disobedience as a strategy to achieve civil rights.他倡导采用非暴力反抗的策略获得公民权利The letter called for trade union freedom and civil rights, but did not openly denounce the regime.这封信呼吁保障工会自由和公民权利,但没有公开谴责该政权。You will retain your rights as a citizen.你将保留你的公民权利The President has agreed to talks with civil rights campaigners.总统已同意与公民权利活动家进行会谈。They've become tribunes of the people.他们成了公民权利的捍卫者。They are fighting to preserve their rights as citizens.他们正奋力维护自己的公民权利Their objective was to demonstrate peacefully for civil rights.他们的目标是为公民权利而进行和平示威。The House is getting ready for some contentious debate today on civil-rights legislation.下议院已经准备好就公民权利立法中的争议性问题在今天展开辩论。The civil-rights statutes protect people from wilful deprivation of constitutional rights.公民权利法令保障了人们的宪法权利不会被任意剥夺。The new law has safeguards to protect the rights of citizens.新法律有保护公民权利的保障措施。The law would strike at the most basic of civil rights.这项法令会侵犯最基本的公民权利




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