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词汇 bullish
例句 He's very bullish about the company's prospects.他对公司的前景充满信心。There was a steep rise in bullish sentiment as foreign investors rushed in.当外国投资者纷纷进入股市,看涨情绪陡然上升。They are bullish about the future of the product.他们对产品的未来充满信心。The economists took a fairly bullish view of wholesale prices.经济学家认为批发价将有所上涨。She's being very bullish about the firm's future.她对公司的未来很有信心。Faldo was bullish about his chances of winning a third British Open.法尔多非常有信心第三次赢得英国公开赛冠军。The team was in a bullish mood before the start of the game.球队在比赛开始前很乐观。Members of her party are bullish about her reelection.她所在党派的成员对她再次当选很有信心。The market opened in a bullish mood.股市开盘时行情看涨。A lot of investors are bullish on the company's future.许多投资者对公司的前景非常乐观。He is bullish about the future of U.S. agriculture.他对美国农业的前途很乐观。The trading at Shanghai Stock Exchange has been very bullish lately.上海证券交易所的交易最近一直处于大牛市。




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