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词汇 公寓楼
例句 There are plans to turn the old school into an apartment building.有计划要把这所旧学校改造成公寓楼Sunlight glinted off the windows of a tall apartment building.阳光照在一栋高大的公寓楼的玻璃窗上闪闪发光。Their houses were demolished, so they were rehoused in huge blocks of flats.他们的住房被拆毁了,所以给他们提供了大公寓楼内的一套套新住房。Detectives finally ran the terrorists to ground in an apartment building in Chicago.侦探们历尽艰辛终于在芝加哥的一座公寓楼内挖出了恐怖分子。The school was converted to an apartment building.学校被改建成了一座公寓楼The house has now been converted into flats.这幢房子现已被改建为公寓楼了。The building has gone condo. 这幢大楼变成了公寓楼They plan to erect an apartment house on that property.他们打算在那片地产上建造一座公寓楼The tall blocks of flats dominated the skyline.那些高高的公寓楼耸入云端。They live in an apartment complex outside the city.他们住在城外的公寓楼里。Blocks of flats have been holed and some shells have fallen within the historic ramparts.几栋公寓楼被炸出了窟窿,几枚炮弹还落在了古护城墙内。She was living in a dilapidated old apartment building.她住在一座年久失修的旧公寓楼里。We lived in an apartment building for several years before buying a house..在买房子之前,我们在一栋公寓楼里住了好几年。Small apartment buildings filled with families line the street.沿街是一幢幢小型的公寓楼,楼里住满了人家。They live in apartment buildings in a desert of concrete.他们居住的地方是坐落于一片钢筋水泥丛林中的公寓楼Fire broke out on the first floor of the apartment building.公寓楼的底层起火。This apartment building has thin walls, and you can hear everything your neighbors say.这个公寓楼的墙很薄,邻居说什么你都能听见。All visitors to the apartment building must be announced.那幢公寓楼的访客必须全部通报。I live in the Franklin Court apartments on Main Street.我住在主街的富兰克林公寓楼They live in a large apartment complex.他们住在一幢大型的公寓楼里。Our new apartment complex has a tennis court, swimming pool, playground – the whole nine yards.我们新的公寓楼有网球场、游泳池、游乐场 — 应有尽有。We got her a flat in the same block as ours.我们帮她在我们住的公寓楼找到了一套住房。Most of the road behind the hotel was screened by a block of flats.宾馆后面的那条路大部分被一片公寓楼遮住了。The building can be converted to condominiums at the owner's pleasure.这栋建筑可以按照业主意愿改造成公寓楼They're planning to tear down these apartments and put up an office building.他们正计划拆除这些公寓楼,建一幢办公大楼。They have a garden on the rooftop of the apartment building.他们公寓楼的楼顶上有一个花园




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