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词汇 公告
例句 Police have put out a warning about an escaped prisoner.警方已经张贴出一张关于一名逃犯的警示公告The announcement of a further pay increase for politicians provoked disapproving comments from the leader of the opposition party.给政客进一步加薪的公告激起了反对党领导人的反对。Today's announcement could lead to a further rift over public spending.今天的公告有可能使人们在公共开支方面产生更大的分歧。The news/announcement of our victory was greeted with delight.听到我们胜利的消息/公告,大家都很开心。The announcement caught me by surprise. 那个公告使我感到惊讶。The surprise announcement could cause an uproar in the United States.这一突然发布的公告可能会在美国引起骚乱。Many people were surprised by the government's announcement that there will be a cut in taxes.许多人对政府减税的公告感到惊讶。She waited tensely for the next bulletin.她焦虑地等候着下一期公告The announcement was met by a loud chorus of boos. 这个公告得到的回应是嘘声一片。I think I've noticed a change of tone in official pronouncements on the subject.我觉得我注意到官方公告对这个问题的语气变了。Hundreds of people huddled around a single transistor radio listening to the announcement.数百人挤在一台晶体管收音机周围收听公告Politically aware people will not be fooled by the government's latest pronouncements.懂政治的人不会被政府的最新公告所愚弄。The announcement came in a bald statement from the official news agency.公告是在官方新闻机构一份直接声明中宣布的。All the signs and announcements were rendered in English and Spanish.所有的指示标志和公告都被译成了英语和西班牙语。The announcement provoked an immediate storm of protest.公告一发布就引发了一场强烈的抗议。The announcement caused uproar in the crowd.公告在人群中引起了喧嚣。The announcement brought cries of protest from the crowd.公告在人群中引发了抗议的呼声。The announcement is/brings a ray of hope to all of us who have been fighting this disease.这个公告给我们这些在与这种疾病抗争的人带来了一线希望。The Internet is the largest computer bulletin board in the world.因特网是世界上最大的计算机公告系统。The announcement set off a wave of protests.公告引发了一波抗议浪潮。The announcement triggered a cascade of events across the world.这个公告在世界各地触发了一系列事件。The terse announcement gave no reason for Harris's resignation.简短的公告并未讲明哈里斯辞职的原因。The talks are continuing, but no announcements are expected at this time.谈判正在继续,但此时将不会有任何公告The announcement caused uproar in the crowd.公告在人群中引起了骚动。The announcement that the concert was canceled was met with pandemonium.音乐会取消的公告引起一片骚动。The market reacted favourably to the announcement.市场对这则公告反响良好。The Scottish Office has yet to make a formal announcement.苏格兰事务部还没发布一个正式的公告The announcement points to possible redundancies.这份公告显示有可能存在过剩现象。As usual, Greenspan's announcement made the financial world sit up and take notice.一如以往,格林斯潘发布的公告引起了金融界的注意。The announcement caused a lot of hullabaloo.这则公告引起了极大的喧闹。The announcement took Washington and Paris by surprise, but Downing Street had been expecting it.这个公告让华盛顿和巴黎方面都感到非常意外,但却是在英国政府的预料之中。In all the hubbub over the election, you may be excused for missing yesterday's announcement.鉴于如今的选举一片混乱,没有听到昨天的公告也是情有可原的。The President signed a proclamation declaring martial law.总统签署了公告,宣布戒严。The announcement was followed by a lengthy period of silence.公告发布之后,大家沉默良久。The announcement has been met with incredulity.公告遭到质疑。The star has recorded public-service announcements for local TV on subjects including HIV and teen pregnancy.这位明星为当地电视台录制的公共服务公告包括艾滋病和青少年怀孕等话题。This announcement has raised hopes that the crisis may be coming to an end.公告唤起了人们的希望 : 危机可能就要结束了。The announcement came at a bad time.公告来得不是时候。The President issued a proclamation praising the astronauts.总统发布一项公告,赞扬宇航员。In all the hubbub over the election, one might be excused for missing yesterday's announcement.在选举造成的一片混乱中,没有听到昨天的公告也是情有可原的。




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