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She met with the company's president and vice president, among others.除了其他人,她还会见了公司总裁和副总裁。He is the natural choice to succeed his father as company president.他是接替他父亲担任公司总裁的当然人选。The young manager was caressed by the president of the company.那位年轻经理得到公司总裁的青睐。The company president made an announcement about the merger.公司总裁公布了合并的消息。I am responsible to her, and she is directly responsible to the company president.我向她汇报,而她直接向公司总裁汇报。He was hired at the instigation of the company's president.在公司总裁的授意下,他被聘用了。The company president sent a memorandum to each employee.公司总裁向每个员工发送了一份备忘录。He went over his supervisor's head to complain about the policy to the company's president. 他越过他的主管,直接向公司总裁申诉这个方针。The company president turned a deaf ear to my proposals.公司总裁对我的建议充耳不闻。The company president will choose her immediate successor.公司总裁将挑选她的继任者。We had a visit from the company president.公司总裁来看望了我们。He sent an angry letter to the company president.他写信给公司总裁表示不满。Yesterday its president was accused of salting away tens of millions of dollars in foreign accounts.昨天该公司总裁被指控将数千万美元存入外国账户。The firm's top man refined on his management style.公司总裁对管理作风作了精微的改进。I had tried to convince my company's president that these ideas were viable.我曾努力要公司总裁相信这些设想是切实可行的。He brings a rare talent for solving problems to his new job as company president.他首次担任公司总裁时,已具备难能可贵的处理问题的才能。She gave him a heads-up that the company's president will be visiting the office.她提前给他报信说公司总裁要来办公室参观。It was a well-organized plan to maneuver company president John Woolford out of office.那是一个精心安排的计划,目的是要把公司总裁约翰·伍尔福德赶下台。He announced his retirement as chief executive of the company.他宣布辞去公司总裁的职务。While economists are free to theorise, company chairmen are concerned with actualities.经济学家们可自由创建理论,公司总裁们则关心现实情况。The scandal over the deal forced the corporation's president to resign in disgrace.有关这笔交易的丑闻迫使公司总裁不光彩地辞职了。The decision was made by the company president. 这个决定是由公司总裁做出的。We attended a dinner party hosted by the president of the company.我们出席了公司总裁举办的宴会。I know he's qualified for the job, but it doesn't hurt that the company president is his mother's best friend.我知道他能够胜任那份工作,但公司总裁是他母亲的挚友这件事也起了作用。The hiring of the new CEO diluted the power of the company's president.新首席执行官的聘用削弱了公司总裁的权力。No one was willing to confront the company president on that point.没人愿意就那个问题质问公司总裁。The company president issued a diktat that employees may not wear jeans to work.公司总裁勒令员工不得穿牛仔服上班。While economists are free to theorize, company chairmen are concerned with actualities.经济学家们可自由提出理论,而公司总裁们则关心的是现实情况。The company president has announced her retirement.公司总裁宣布她要退休。She reports to the president of the company.她直接对公司总裁负呈报之责。Most of the executives attended the meeting, but the company president was conspicuously absent. 大部分高管都出席了会议,可是公司总裁却没有出席,这一点非常引人注目。 |