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词汇 公务
例句 The strains of office are beginning to tell on the prime minister.首相开始感到公务繁忙的压力了。He was in Congress for many years but he recently retired from public life.他在国会工作了多年,但最近退出了公务生活。When I travel overseas I like to mix business with pleasure.到国外时,我喜欢公务、娱乐两不误。Mr Guest refused to let them in and now faces a criminal charge of obstruction.格斯特先生因为将他们拒之门外,现在面临妨碍公务的刑事指控。He possessed this capacity to separate his real life from the official side of affairs and not mix the two.他有能力把私生活与公务分开,不让两者混在一起。Companies are getting smart about how they use corporate planes.公司在使用自己的公务飞机方面变明智了。She loves to horn in on her husband's official functions.她老爱干预她丈夫的公务This is strictly business.这只是公务His infirmities withheld him from the personal administration of his office.体弱多病使他不能亲自料理公务I'd rather keep the relationship strictly businesslike.我情愿保持一种纯粹的公务关系。You can't mix business with pleasure.你不能把公务和娱乐混为一谈。They were both darkly dressed in business suits. 他们两个都穿着深色公务西装。The Vice President is on an official trip/visit.副总统正在公务出行/访问。It is fashionable these days to pour scorn on those in public life.如今人们都看不起那些从事公务工作的人。




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