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词汇 公共场所
例句 Jeff was obviously calling from a public place.显然杰夫是从公共场所打电话来的。I always make sure I keep the children in view whenever we're in a public place.公共场所我总是要确保孩子们在我的视线之内。The State Assembly passed a law which banned smoking in public places.州议会通过了一项法律,禁止在公共场所吸烟。The ban on smoking in public places is citywide.公共场所的禁烟是全市性的。The new fence is just one example of the city's attempt to make public spaces unwelcoming to the homeless.该市企图把街头流浪者拒诸公共场所外,新建的栅栏只是其中一例。There are taboos against appearing naked in public places.公共场所赤身露体是犯禁忌的。You mustn't do that in a public place.你不可在公共场所做那事。Beggars are not allowed to solicit in public places.乞丐不得在公共场所乞讨。In a public place there was an off-chance they might get caught.公共场所,他们被抓住的可能性极小。Everybody had read up on Indian gang problems, Indian graffiti, Indian homicides, child abuse, the whole schmear.有关印度的帮派犯罪、在公共场所乱写乱画、谋杀、虐待儿童等这一切问题,大家都阅读了大量资料。Spitting and littering in public places are examples of antisocial behaviour.公共场所随地吐痰和乱丢东西是违反公益行为的例子。Lobbyists for the tobacco industry have expressed concerns about the restriction of smoking in public places.烟草业的游说者们对在公共场所限制吸烟表示关切。It is illegal to litter.公共场所乱扔垃圾是违法的。Most public places are simply not geared to the needs of people with disabilities.大多数公共场所根本不能适应残疾人的需要。I find public squalor very saddening.公共场所的肮脏污秽让我感到非常悲哀。Sarah says I only change nappies when we have visitors. It is easy to be a new man in public; in private it's hard work.萨拉说我只在来客人时换换尿布。在公共场所做个新式丈夫容易,在私下却不是件容易的事。The government announced its move to ban smoking in public spaces.政府宣布了在公共场所禁烟的举措。Public places are becoming more accessible to people with disabilities.残疾人到公共场所去变得更容易了。They decided on a nearby restaurant as a convenient public place to meet.他们把附近的一家饭店定为集会的便利公共场所The government is pushing through legislation to ban smoking in all public places.政府正在力促通过立法,禁止在公共场所吸烟。The new law will outlaw smoking in public places.新法律将禁止在公共场所吸烟。Ordinarily, Anastasia was grossed out when her father spoke to total strangers in public.父亲在公共场所与陌生人说话时,阿纳斯塔西娅通常都会觉得很不舒服。Apparently, moves are afoot to ban smoking in public places.看来,公共场所禁烟的行动正在酝酿中。The new law restricts smoking in public places.这项新法律禁止在公共场所吸烟。If you are topless in a public place, this sort of thing is bound to happen.如果你在公共场所裸露上身,这种事情一定会发生。You should plan to meet him in a public place.你跟他见面应该安排在一个公共场所This law makes it illegal to smoke in public places.这条法律使在公共场所抽烟成了违法行为。Smoking is now banned in many public places.现在许多公共场所都禁止吸烟。Dogs are not allowed off the lead in public places.公共场所不准解开牵狗皮带。The city fathers have banned smoking in public places.市政府官员已明令禁止在公共场所吸烟。St Jude's church is a public place of worship.圣犹大教堂是做礼拜的公共场所Authorities hope that the new regulations on smoking in public places will meet widespread acceptance.当局希望,有关公共场所吸烟的新规定将得到普遍接受。She presented a well-argued case for banning smoking in public places.她举了一个很有说服力的案例来说明公共场所应该禁止吸烟。Public nappy-changing is inconsiderate and very bad manners.公共场所换尿布是对他人的冒犯,非常不礼貌。Keep your dog on the lead in public places.公共场所你得用皮带牵著狗。Prostitutes were forbidden to solicit on public roads and in public places.禁止妓女在马路上和公共场所公然拉客。Indonesia's government is considering a law banning unwed couples from pecking in public.印度尼西亚政府正在考虑颁布法律,禁止未婚情侣在公共场所亲吻。All dogs in public places should be on a leash.公共场所所有的狗都应该用皮带牵住。He incurred his wife's wrath by smoking in public.他在公共场所吸烟,惹得他妻子大发雷霆。It saddens me that there are people who go around vandalizing public places like this.有人这样到处破坏公共场所,我很难过。




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