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词汇 bull
例句 The farmer put his heifer to the bull.农夫把他的母牛跟那头公牛配对。I needed more money and so I decided to take the bull by the horns and ask my boss for more pay.我需要更多的钱,因而不畏艰难去向老板要求增加薪资。The bull gored him.这头公牛顶伤了他。Still, it'll stop him rampaging all over the place like a bull in a china shop.不过,这能让他停下来,不再到处瞎碰乱撞。He was gored by a bull.他被一头公牛顶伤了。Toglio was wheezing like a bull.托格略气喘如牛。Do you think I'm going to fall for that cock-and-bull story?你觉得我会相信那个荒唐的借口吗?Someone likened his voice to the croaking of a bull-frog.有人把他的声音比作牛蛙的叫声。He was convicted of failing to muzzle a pit bull.他因没能给比特犬戴嘴套而被判有罪。We told her it was a delicate situation but she went into the meeting like a bull in a china shop.我们告诉她情况非常微妙,但她开会时还是冒冒失失的。That's a lot/load/bunch of bull! 那完全是胡说八道!You scored a bull's-eye in doing that.你那件事做得十分成功。The bull had a ring through its nose.这头公牛的鼻子上穿了一个环。The matador was impaled by the bull's horns. = The matador was impaled on the bull's horns.那个斗牛士被公牛的角戳伤了。The tan-coloured dog looks suspiciously like an American pit bull terrier.这只棕黄色的狗看上去非常像美国比特犬。The priest suggested sacrificing a bull.这个教士建议献祭一头公牛。Suddenly, the bull changed direction and started heading straight towards us.公牛突然调转方向,朝我们冲过来。The angry bull gored me in the leg.狂怒的公牛用角撞伤了我的腿。The bull bellowed angrily.公牛发出了怒吼。The pharaoh is Osiris, the moon bull incarnate.这位法老就是俄西里斯,丰产神的化身。He was attacked and gored by a bull.他遭到一头公牛的袭击,被顶伤了。If you run away from the bull, it's almost certain to attack you.如果你从公牛身边逃走,那它几乎是肯定要攻击你的。A successful businessman always takes the bull by the horns.一位成功的生意人总是不畏艰难,勇敢地面对问题。I don't know where he got that idea, it's total bull.我不知道他那个想法是哪里来的,完全是瞎说。The bull tossed the matador.公牛把斗牛士抛向空中。A prize bull was on display at an agricultural show.农业展览会上正在展示一头优选的公牛。Valerie hit the bull's eye when she said that.瓦莱丽那样说一语中的。The magazine's editorial this month hit a bull's-eye.杂志本月的社论正中要害。Still, it'll stop him rampaging all over the place like a bull in a china shop.尽管如此,这将会让他不再像个冒失鬼一样到处横冲直撞了。Why don't you take the bull by the horns and tell him to leave?你为什么不当机立断,直接让他离开?You're talking bull.你胡说八道!She accidentally broke our coffee pot, she really is like a bull in a china shop.她不小心把我们的咖啡壶打破了,她真是个毛手毛脚的闯祸人。The massive bull lifted him bodily into the air and shook him repeatedly.那头庞大的公牛把他整个身体举向空中,然后不停地摇晃。The bull charged the matador.这头公牛冲撞了斗牛士。He paid our neighbours a handsome price for their little scrub bull.他用一大笔钱买了我们邻居的那头矮小公牛。The governor had a bull session with his staff.州长和工作人员一起闲聊。The bull tossed him up into the air.公牛把他顶到了半空中。This sort of information is like a red rag to a bull for the tobacco companies.烟草公司知道了这种消息一定会大怒。The archer's shot was a perfect bull's-eye.射手的那一箭正中靶心。Just mentioning his poor marks to him was waving a red rag to a bull.一提他那可怜的分数,他就会勃然大怒。




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