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词汇 八十
例句 Even at the age of 80, the old man's heart was as sound as a bell.尽管已是八十高龄,老人的心脏仍毫无问题。There were 80 people present at the utmost.至多有八十人到场。At 80 he was still a scholar.八十高龄,但仍好学不倦。The old man was on the verge of eighty.那老人已年近八十George Ward started smoking at the age of nine, and at one time he was getting through 80 a day.乔治·沃德九岁就开始吸烟,一度每天要抽掉八十支烟。People over the age of eighty are prone to have dementia.年过八十的老人较有可能患失智症。He returned to the fold at his 80's.他在八十高龄又恢复原来的宗教信仰。Hilda Simpson was a woman in her early eighties.希尔达·辛普森是个八十出头的妇人。She's nearly eighty.她快八十了。Eighty divided by four equals twenty.八十除以四等于二十。Tom's grandfather is over 80, but he still plays golf.汤姆的祖父已年过八十,但仍在打高尔夫球。He has 80 cattle on the farm.他在农场里有八十头牛。He's well over eighty.八十好几了。




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