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词汇 全身
例句 The horse's sleek body gleamed.这匹马全身光滑,皮毛闪亮。The thought of touching that slimy mess makes my skin creep.光是想到要摸那些黏糊糊的脏东西我就全身起鸡皮疙瘩。Her whole body gave a slight quiver.全身微微发抖。He wore no clothing except a cloth that hid his manhood.除了下身的一块遮羞布外,他全身一丝不挂。Her whole body tautened violently.全身紧绷得厉害。One prisoner claimed he'd been dragged to a cell, stripped and beaten.一名犯人声称他曾被拖进一间牢房,全身被扒光并遭到毒打。I got a body wrap at the spa.我在美容院进行了一次全身皮肤护理。The hiccups may shake your baby's body from head to foot.打嗝可能会让宝宝全身颤。She stumbled in from the storm, dripping and cold.她跌跌撞撞地跑进来躲避暴风雨,全身又湿又冷。The effect on our blood chemistry is such that it produces physical changes in our entire body.我们血液的化学成分所受影响很大,致使全身都发生变化。I rubbed myself down with a dry towel.我用干毛巾擦干全身I was soaking after walking home in the rain.我淋着雨步行回家,全身都湿透了。It was not possible to think of such things without a revolt of his whole being.他一想到这种事就全身感到恶心。He pushed to the limit of his strength but he could not budge the rock.他使尽全身力气推,但石头纹丝不动。She rubbed suncream over her entire body.全身都擦了防晒霜。He felt a spasm of panic sweeping over him.他感到一阵恐慌传遍全身These clothes restrict your freedom of movement and stiffen up the whole body.这些衣服使你行动不便,让全身都变得不灵活。It's pouring down outside - I'm absolutely saturated!外面下着倾盆大雨——我全身都湿透了!I ploughed into him with all the strength I possessed.我用尽全身的力量向他撞击。When the children come in covered in sand you can just hose them down.当孩子全身沾满沙子进门时,你可以直接用水龙带将他们冲洗干净。A warm glow suffused her body.一道温暖的亮光洒遍她的全身A rush of pure affection swept over him.一阵强烈而纯洁的爱意涌遍他全身He got all wet.全身都弄湿了。I felt a quiver of excitement run through me.我激动得全身一阵颤抖。In the second of the paintings she is completely nude.在第二幅画中她全身赤裸。That shower has completely soaked my clothes.那阵大雨把我淋得全身衣服都湿透了。The most common symptoms of the disease are a high temperature and spots all over the body.这种疾病最常见的症状是发高烧,全身起丘疹。Symptoms of the flu include fever, general aches and pains, and sore throat.这种流感的症状包括发烧、全身酸痛以及咽喉痛。He rubbed him down with a coarse towel.他用一条粗糙的毛巾把他全身擦干。They pushed the car with all the strength they could muster.他们使出全身力气推车。I have dog slobber all over me.全身都是狗淌的口水。Aerobic exercise moves our entire body and uses most major muscles.有氧健身能让我们全身得到活动,让大部分主要肌肉动起来。A great surge of emotion swept through him.一股强烈的激情传遍了他的全身I got frozen stiff and soaked through.我冻坏了,全身都湿透了。A violent streak of pain ripped through her whole body.一阵剧烈的疼痛传遍了她的全身His whole frame quivered with anguish as one kick followed another.他被踢了一脚又一脚,全身因剧痛而颤抖。They were helpless from so much giggling.她们咯咯地笑得全身无力。He was covered with a fine dew of perspiration.全身布满了细小的汗珠。Wash the feet, underarms and body surface using a soap.用肥皂洗洗脚、腋下及全身He awoke with a pounding heart, sweating with fear.他醒来时心怦怦直跳,吓得全身大汗。




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