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词汇 bulb
例句 The bulb screws into any standard light socket.这只灯泡可以拧入任何标准灯座。A light bulb dangled from a wire in the ceiling.一只灯泡悬吊在天花板的一根电线上。He gave himself a mild electric shock while changing a light bulb.换灯泡时他被稍稍电了一下。A single electric light bulb hung from the ceiling.一只电灯泡从天花板上垂下来。I changed the bulb.我换了灯泡。A single dim light bulb lit the room.屋里只有一只昏暗的灯泡照明。When the electric current is turned on, it ignites the tungsten filaments in the bulb.电流一接通就使灯泡内的钨丝灼热发光。He opened the torch and removed the bulb.他打开手电筒,取出灯泡。The dim bulb of the bedside lamp cast a soft radiance over his face.床头灯朦胧的光柔和地投射在他脸上。It was a light-bulb moment for me when I realized I could no longer go on without help. 在灵光一现中,我意识到没有帮助我不可能继续这样下去了。Can you change this light bulb for me? I can't reach.你能帮我把这个灯泡换下来吗?我够不着。Along a ground floor corridor a change of bulb strength would undoubtedly help to light the way.改变底层走廊灯泡的亮度,无疑会有助于照路。The naked bulb was directly over his head.裸露的灯泡正好在他的头顶上方。The light bulb in the projector had blown.投影仪里的灯泡烧了。Use a bulb with low wattage.使用低瓦数的灯泡。An efficient light bulb may lighten the load of power stations.节能灯泡也许能减少对发电站的供电需求。The light bulb screws right in.灯泡正好拧了进去。A low-energy bulb would be quite sufficient and would not obtrude.一个低度数的灯泡就够亮了,而且不会晃眼。The bulb inside the refrigerator switches off when you close the door.冰箱关门后,里面的灯就会熄灭。Edison took out a patent on the light bulb.爱迪生获得了电灯泡的专利权。Cut each bulb in half vertically.将每个球茎竖切成两半。I wish someone would invent an everlasting light bulb.我希望能有人发明一种永远不会烧坏的灯泡。Surely everyone knows how to change a light bulb!毫无疑问人人都知道怎么更换灯泡!A light-bulb hanging from the ceiling filled the room with a cold yellow light.屋子里天花板上吊着的一个灯泡散发着冷冷的黄光。Luke screwed the bulb back into place.卢克把灯泡重新拧好。He was considered something of a dim bulb by his coworkers.同事们都把他当傻瓜。A bare light bulb hung from the ceiling.一只光秃秃的灯泡从天花板上垂下来。He was changing a light bulb when the ladder gave way.他在换灯泡时脚下的梯子塌倒了。This light bulb screws in.这个灯泡是螺口的。A naked light bulb dangled from the ceiling.天花板上悬吊着一个无罩灯泡。The bulb's gone in the bathroom.卫生间的灯泡坏了。A single light bulb dangled from the ceiling.孤零零的一个灯泡悬吊在天花板上。Do you think this bulb is the right size for the lamp?你认为这只灯泡配这灯大小合适吗?I'm not very practical – I can't even change a light bulb.我动手能力不强,我连灯泡都不会换。He's tall enough to change the bulb without getting on a chair.他个头够高,不用踩椅子就可以换灯泡。Inventions like the electric light bulb changed the way people lived.像电灯泡这样的发明改变了人们的生活方式。The lamp crashed to the floor and the bulb burst.灯啪地一声掉在地上,灯泡碎了。Can you remove the bulb and replace it with an energy-efficient one?你能将那个灯泡取下来换上一个节能灯泡吗?Switch the light off before you change the bulb.换灯泡前把灯关上。An ancient bulb hung from the ceiling.从天花板上垂下一只非常老式的灯泡。




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