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词汇 全球
例句 He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies.他说,发达国家有责任促进全球经济增长,以帮助新兴民主国家。Vietnam is among the poorest nations on Earth.卢旺达是全球最贫穷的国家之一。He is a globalist, whereas we are nationalists who will put our country first.他是一个全球主义者,而我们是把自己国家放在首位的国家主义者。The country is the world's leading oil producer.这个国家是全球最重要的石油生产国。Thanks to globalization, the burger you buy in Moscow is exactly the same as the one you buy in New York.因为是全球一体化,在莫斯科买的汉堡包和在纽约买的一模一样。The country could exploit its position as a major oil producer to push up world oil prices.该国能够利用其主要产油国的地位抬高全球油价。Campaigners are calling for a worldwide ban on the use of land mines.一些活动家在呼吁全球禁止使用地雷。Three systems of organ donation are used in current practice worldwide.目前全球有三种器官捐献系统。The worldwide picture for tribal people remains grim.全球部落人的情况都不容乐观。The concert was seen by 500 million viewers around the world.这场音乐会全球有五亿电视观众观看。The company was an early leader in global manufacturing.该公司是全球制造业的早期领军者。The global trend towards higher taxation on fuel consumption is souring relations with leading oil-producing states.全球调高燃油消费税的趋势,损害了与主要产油国之间的关系。A global fall in the price of rice spread hardship and even starvation to many parts of Indochina.全球米价下跌,使贫穷甚至饥饿的现象扩大到了印度支那的许多地区。This summer's global economic crisis will become no more than a footnote in history.今年夏天的全球经济危机只会成为历史的一个注脚。The country's economic troubles are rooted in a string of global crises.这个国家的经济困境是源于一连串的全球危机。The China National Tobacco Corp is the world's largest cigarette maker.中国烟草总公司是全球最大的卷烟生产商。The youth of industrialized nations need to be made aware of global problems.有必要使工业化国家的年轻人意识到全球面临的问题。An economic crisis may have tremendous consequences for our global security.一场经济危机可能严重影响到全球安定。Fears that the world was about to run out of fuel proved groundless.事实证明,对全球燃料即将耗尽的担忧是毫无根据的。The plight of the Kurds gained global visibility.库尔德人的苦难引起了全球关注。Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis.银行家们害怕会发生一场全球银行业危机。The government is courting investors from around the globe.政府正在努力吸引来自全球各地的投资者。It is high time to consider the problem on a global scale.早该从全球视角考虑这个问题了。The company is a world leader in electrical goods.该公司是电器产品领域的全球领军者。The new discovery added another drug to the global pharmacopeia.那项新发现为全球药库又增加了一种新药。America's media companies bestride the globe.美国的传媒公司称雄全球There is ample evidence that the world is getting hotter.有大量的证据表明全球正在变暖。World stocks of wheat were getting very low.全球小麦储备严重不足。It would have to grow by acquisitions or joint ventures to achieve global reach.公司必须通过收购或合资扩大规模,实现全球布局。The Middle Eastern countries produce most of the world's oil.全球大部分的石油是中东国家生产的。Thus we take one more step towards global Armageddon.于是我们又向全球大战走近了一步。Campaigners have called for a global ban on landmines.倡导者呼吁全球禁止使用地雷。This hotel has long held a place among the world's finest. 这家宾馆一向被认为是全球最佳宾馆之一。Scottish companies could become major players in the world market for green technologies.苏格兰的公司可能会成为全球绿色技术市场的主角。All this equipment has received international acclaim from the specialist hi-fi press.这套设备受到全球高保真音响专业报刊的赞誉。There is a worldwide shortage of oil.全球石油短缺。The enthusiasm for Latin music is worldwide.全球掀起拉丁音乐热潮。World oil prices continue to rise.全球石油价格持续上涨。These shocking events horrified the entire world.这些骇人听闻的事件震惊了全球Shiraz has stitched up major deals all over the world to boost sales.希拉兹已经在全球促成了几笔大宗协议的签订,以此来提高销量。




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