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例句 The suspense builds as the story progresses.随着故事的发展,悬念也随之增强。The encouragement that young boys receive builds a greater self-confidence.小男孩受到的鼓励会增强他们的自信心。He builds furniture using wooden pegs instead of nails.他用木楔子取代钉子制作家具。The piece starts quietly and builds to a firecracker finish.这部作品开始时波澜不惊,结尾处却激荡人心。She builds model aeroplanes in her spare time.她业余时间里制作航模。Slowly a thick layer of fat builds up on the pan's surface.慢慢地,平底锅表面积起了一层厚厚的油脂。It's well known that cycling builds leg strength.众所周知,蹬自行车能增强腿部力量。The textbook builds lessons around grammar topics.这本教科书按照语法主题编排课程。The writer builds up a clever contextual picture of upper-class life.作家通过上下文巧妙展现了上流社会的生活场景。A good teacher builds you up.一个好老师会帮助增强你的信心。The plot builds steadily toward a climax.情节不断向高潮发展。As the temperature rises, the pressure builds up inside the chamber.随着温度的上升,舱内的压力也逐渐增加。The author builds up a useful composite picture of contemporary consumer culture.作者给当代消费文化勾勒出了一幅多元的图画。Each president builds on/upon the success of each past president.每位总统都是在其前任成功的基础上发展进步的。Some of the tension Altman builds up starts to sag.奥尔特曼制造的紧张氛围开始有所缓解。The government builds most of our hospitals.我们的医院大多是政府兴建的。They pick up the garbage that builds up along the highway.他们收捡公路上积下的垃圾。The writer builds up a clever contextual picture of upper class life.作者巧妙地构筑了一幅上流社会生活的背景图画。The story slowly builds to a climax. 故事渐渐达到高潮。Each people builds a culture adapted to its peculiar needs.各民族都建立起一种适应其独特需要的文化。The encouragement that young boys receive builds a greater self-confidence.男孩子们得到的鼓励使他们更有自信。This project builds on the existing expertise of our staff.该项目以我们工作人员的现有专业技术为基础。A thick layer of fat builds up on the pan's surface.锅底积了厚厚一层油。The story gradually builds to a powerful climax.故事渐渐达到有感染力的高潮。His amazement turns into laughter, which builds steadily.他先是惊讶,接着笑了起来,笑声越来越响。He builds his speeches around the repetition of certain key phrases.他靠反复使用某些关键词语来拼凑自己的演讲。Gum disease happens when plaque builds up.牙斑堆积会引起牙龈疾病。Volvo no longer builds boxy, bland motor cars.沃尔沃不再生产四四方方、毫无特色的汽车了。Tension builds around the mystery of what will happen to Freddie.弗雷迪会发生什么事显得神秘莫测,气氛愈发紧张。He builds his constructions around steel skeletons.他的建筑以钢结构为框架。




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