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词汇 buildings
例句 Tall buildings can distort radio signals.高大的建筑物会使无线电信号失真。The office buildings have taken the form of shallow slabs.那些办公楼盖成薄板的形状。These buildings postdate World War II. 这些建筑是在第二次世界大战后建成的。The buildings have been lovingly restored to strict standards.这些建筑按照严格的标准被精心修复。A service tunnel runs between the two buildings.两座大楼之间有一条服务隧道。Further down the street, tall office buildings give place to rows of tidy houses.沿街下去,高大的办公楼被一排排整齐的房子所取代。Many buildings and cars had been damaged in the blast.许多楼房和汽车在爆炸中受损。Many buildings had already been weakened by last year's storms.许多建筑物由于去年的风暴已经变得摇摇欲坠。Only a short way from the buildings is the impressive entrance to Bruntscar Cave.距这些建筑仅一小段路就是壮观的布伦特斯卡洞穴的入口处。The quake destroyed mud buildings in many remote villages.这次地震摧毁了许多偏远乡村的土坯房。There are very few buildings left standing.几乎没有几个建筑物留存下来。Rogers, an iconoclast in architecture, is sometimes described as putting the insides of buildings on the outside.罗杰斯是个打破建筑学传统的人,有时他被说成是把建筑物的内部结构摆到了外观上。Light and water in embassy buildings were cut off.大使馆内的水电都被切断了。The buildings are a must-see part of the tourist circuit.这些建筑是旅游路线中必看的景点。The buildings were planned and erected.这些建筑已经设计建成了。All new buildings must conform with the regional development plan.所有新的建筑物都必须遵从地方上的开发规划。It's a lovely city, but most of the buildings are in very bad condition.这是座漂亮的城市,但大多数建筑物已破旧不堪了。Many types of outdoor advertisement on land and buildings need consent from the local council.多种地面和建筑物上的户外广告投放都需要得到地方议会的批准。Some apartment buildings don't have their heat turned on till the end of this week.有些公寓大楼直到本周末才会开始供暖。The council conducted a survey of the uses to which farm buildings are put.委员会调查了农场建筑的用途。The poor were housed in dingy, rotting buildings.穷人住在昏暗的朽烂的房子里。The village has a number of buildings of note.村里有一些出名的建筑。This slope repelled buildings in the early days and by default became a half-hearted park.这一段坡地在早年完全无法营造,而由于遭到冷落却不期然成了一个公园。Look out for the old college buildings on your left.注意你左边的旧大学校舍。New buildings have mushroomed all over the area.在整个地区,新的建筑物像雨后春笋般出现。San Diego's public buildings are falling apart, but the city refuses to do anything about it.圣迭戈的公共建筑都快散架了,该市却袖手旁观。The committee is in charge of preserving the city's historical buildings.这个委员会负责保护城市的历史建筑。The city has an exceptionally rich heritage of historic buildings.这座城市有着非常丰富的古建筑遗产。The buildings are the same age/style.这些建筑物年代/风格相同。Very few government buildings survived the bombing in Hanoi.河内被轰炸后,政府大楼所剩无几了。The city was overlooked by a ring of high-rise buildings.从四周的高楼大厦可以俯瞰这城市。The skyscraper towered over the surrounding buildings.这座摩天大楼远远高出周边的建筑。The ports of Dubrovnik and Zadar have handsome Renaissance buildings.杜布罗夫尼克和扎达尔这两座港口城市拥有宏伟壮丽的文艺复兴时期建筑。Many school buildings are falling apart.很多校舍都快散架了。These buildings have already changed skylines from Los Angeles to Hong Kong.从洛杉矶到香港,城市的空中轮廓为这些建筑物所改变。A lot of the city's older buildings are accidents waiting to happen.城里的许多老建筑迟早都会出问题。These buildings somehow survived the hurricane's wrath.这些建筑物神奇地逃过了飓风肆虐。Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake.数以千计的建筑物在地震中倒塌了。There were still people trapped inside fallen buildings.还有一些人困在倒塌的房子里。The street consisted of uniform tall, white buildings.街道由统一规格的白色高层建筑组成。




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