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例句 Sean O'Leary has been named in the England squad to tour Argentina.肖恩·奥利里已入选参加阿根廷巡回赛的英格兰队大名单。I am not surprised that the Booker Prize jury included it on their shortlist.我毫不惊讶布克奖评委会将其列在入选名单中。He's been capped three times for England.他三次入选英格兰队。He was selected as an all-star. 入选了全明星阵容。Hurst was called up for the game against Mexico.赫斯特入选国家队,参加和墨西哥队的比赛。He was elected as a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame.入选了棒球名人堂。Valerie earned letters in three sports: volleyball, basketball, and field hockey.瓦莱丽入选了三支校队:排球、篮球和曲棍球队。That leaves one roster spot, and the team will need a versatile player to fill it.只剩一个入选名额,球队将需要一个多面手入选She hopes to win selection for the Olympic team.她希望能入选奥运队。Three honorees were chosen for the Hall of Fame.三位获奖者入选名人堂。She didn't play well enough to be selected for the team.她表现欠佳,未能入选该队。He expressed amazement at being left out of the game.他对自己未获入选参赛表示很意外。She was a strong contender for Britain's Olympic team.她是有望入选英国奥运代表团的有力竞争者。The coach began to wobble when some of his team selections provoked much baffled comment.当一些队员的入选招致许多不解的非议时,教练开始动摇了。He won five England caps.他五次入选英格兰队。He was elected to the parish council.入选了行政堂区委员会。Frank had always been a good football player, and it was no surprise when he was chosen for the team.弗兰克的足球一直踢得不错,他入选球队不足为奇。She has been selected for the team.她已入选该球队。She is the youngest woman to be elected to the national legislature.她是入选国家立法机构的最年轻女性。Two last-minute inclusions are Jim and Ahmed.最后两名在期限到来前入选的是吉姆和艾哈默德His second disappointment came last year when he failed to get selected for the first team.未能入选一队是去年第二件令他失望的事情。Corrupt leaders were chosen in a fraudulent election.腐败的领导人在一场欺诈性选举中入选Everybody is selected on merit.每个人都是凭个人才能入选的。There is fierce competition for places on the Olympic team.入选奥运会参赛队的竞争激烈。Ernst had been selected to play in the game against Belgium.欧内斯特入选参加对比利时的比赛。Things changed when he got onto the selection committee.入选推选委员会后,情况发生了变化。We'd wondered about you as a possible team member.我们曾经怀疑你是否有可能入选该队。He has now become Brazil's most capped goalkeeper.他现在成为巴西入选国家队次数最多的守门员。He was picked to run in the 100 metres.入选参加一百米赛跑。My selection for the team has given me a tremendous lift.入选该队给了我极大的鼓舞。Entrance was by competitive examination.通过竞争性考试确定入选资格。By the age of 19, Giggs was playing regularly for United's first eleven.十九岁时,吉格斯就经常入选联队首发阵容。She's in the team for the World Championships.入选了参加世锦赛的阵容。Two local high school hoopster have been selected for the All-Canada evaluation camp this weekend at Humber College in Toronto.有两个本地高中篮球运动员入选了本周在多伦多汉博学院举办的全加拿大篮球评价营。Taylor was bitterly disappointed to be dropped from the England side.泰勒对没有入选英格兰队感到非常失望。The novelist, despite being the only candidate, is an interesting and indicative choice.尽管这位小说家是唯一的候选人,他之终于入选很有意义,而且具有象征性。They were selected on the basis of size.他们靠规模入选You have been voted onto the team.你已入选球队。Proportional representation is widely seen as fairer than a British-style first-past-the-post set-up.人们普遍认为,比例代表制比英国的得票多者入选体制更为公平。I wonder whose story was chosen.我想知道谁的故事入选了。




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