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例句 Oil preserves metal from rust.油保护金属,使免于生锈。They battled to keep their son out of jail.他们为让儿子免于牢狱之苦而拼尽了全力。Respecting the fact that the accused was a minor, the charges were dropped.鉴于被告尚未成年这一事实,免于起诉。The brave sailor saved the fishing boat from annihilation.这个勇敢的水手拯救渔船免于毁灭之灾。Helen changed the subject to save me the embarrassment of replying.海伦改变了话题,使我免于回答的尴尬。They allowed him to pay back the money without penalty.他们同意他偿还那笔钱并免于处罚。Part Four deals briefly with such topics as the privilege of freedom from arrest.第四部分简要讲述了免于逮捕的豁免权等话题。They accepted blood money in exchange for the murderer's execution.他们接受了赎罪金,从而使凶手免于死刑。You've saved me from making a spectacle of myself in the street.你使我免于在街上当众出丑。The captain tried to save the ship from wreck.船长试图拯救这条船,使之免于遇难。The storm raged and they struggled to stop the boat from keeling over.风暴肆虐,他们努力使船免于倾覆。The group launched/mounted/led a campaign to protect the area from commercial development.这个团体发起/发动/领导了一场保护这个地区免于商业开发的运动。The last edit keeps the movie's action from sagging.最后一次的剪辑使影片情节免于枯燥乏味。He plea-bargained to avoid spending time in jail.他通过认罪辩诉协议谋求免于牢狱之灾。Radical belt-tightening helped keep his company solvent.实行严厉的紧缩政策使他的公司免于借债度日。He insured himself against failure by treating only people he was sure he could cure.他仅仅治疗有把握治愈的病人,以使自己免于失败。The book has been saved from oblivion.这部书得以免于湮没。As a former head of state he was immune from arrest.凭借前国家元首的身份,他免于被捕。They allowed him to pay back the money without a penalty.他们同意他偿还那笔钱并免于处罚。They saved the old factory from the wrecking ball. 他们使旧厂房免于被拆除的命运。He thanked Providence for the saving grace that had prevented him from utter degradation.他感谢上帝使他免于彻底堕落的恩典。She avoided jail by pleading insanity.她以有精神病为由而免于入狱。His presence of mind prevented a serious accident.他的沉着镇定使一起严重的事故免于发生。Through a series of legal maneuvers, the defense lawyer kept her client out of jail.通过一系列法律手段,辩护律师使她的委托人免于坐牢。Despite his brave words, I don't believe he can save the factory from closure.尽管他有一番豪言壮语,我却不相信他能使工厂免于倒闭。The printers were indemnified against legal action.印刷商得到保护免于法律诉讼。The library declared an amnesty from fines for all books that are returned on Thursday.图书馆宣布凡在星期四返还的图书将免于罚款。The parties joined forces to save the country from anarchy.各政党联合起来,以使国家免于陷入无政府状态。We managed to save the animals from being put down.我们设法救下了那些动物,使他们免于人道毁灭。He managed to avert the closure of the factory.他设法使工厂免于倒闭。If his appeal fails, his last hope to avoid execution is the US Supreme Court.假如他上诉失败,他免于死刑的最后希望就落在美国联邦最高法院了。This frees him from many of the rules that constricted his predecessor.这使他免于像他的前任那样受很多条例束缚。Unfortunately his lawyer could find no statute or point of law preventing his client's imprisonment.不幸的是,他的律师找不到哪项法规或法律条文能使其当事人免于入狱。A last-minute surge in ticket sales saved the show from closure.最后一刻门票销量的激增使演出免于流产。Saving money regularly will help to safeguard one's old age from want.定时储蓄可使晚年免于贫困。The U.S. Constitution includes guarantees against unreasonable searches.美国宪法保障公民免于无故搜查。The national health system saved him from becoming a cripple.在国民医疗保健系统的救助下,他免于致残。He was granted a certificate of exemption from union membership.他被批准免于工会会员义务。A novice defence counsel could get you off on this evidence.一个还是新手的辩护律师也能凭此证据让你免于罪责。It took a lot of legal maneuvering for the defense lawyer to keep her client out of jail.辩护律师采取了许多法律手段才使她的委托人免于坐牢。




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