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词汇 催促
例句 She urged him to reach out to his family.催促他向他家里求援。They urged us to go at once.他们催促我们马上去。We had better put the skids under the driver or we'll be late.我们最好催促司机快开,不然要迟到了。She urged him to skip the details and cut to the chase. 催促他略过细节,直入正题。He pushed everyone full speed ahead until production hit a bottleneck.催促所有人拼命干活,直到生产遭遇瓶颈。They rushed her into making a bad decision.由于他们的催促,她做了一个糟糕的决定。Anne was pressing me to tell her all about it.安妮正催促着我把事情全部告诉她。He hurried them along the narrow, dark hall.催促他们赶快走过狭窄黑暗的门厅。Hubert wrote the letter with a nudge from Cora.休伯特是经科拉的催促写那封信的。The salesman hurried the customer to make a choice.售货员催促顾客作出选择。I've had another reminder from the library.我又收到图书馆的催促还书的来函。The parents chivvied the children along.父母催促孩子们前行。The police pressed her to remember all the details.警方催促她回忆所有的细节。He dug his spurs in and urged his horse on.他用靴刺刺马身,催促马快跑。His boss did not pressure him for results.他的老板并没有催促他尽早拿出结果。I've been on at him to fix that cupboard for weeks now.到现在为止,我催促他修理那个柜子已经有好几个星期了。Doctors pressed her to sign a consent form for emergency surgery.医生催促她在急诊手术同意书上签字。Opposition party leaders are now pressing for the entire election to be annulled.反对党领导人正在竭力催促宣布整个选举无效。Without being prompted, she began to apologize.不用别人催促,她就开始道起歉来。She hates to be hurried at dinner.她讨厌吃饭时被人催促He has urged them to come to an equitable compromise that gives Hughes his proper due.他已经催促他们达成合理的妥协,给予休斯他所应得的报酬。I hustled the child off the school.催促孩子快点去上学。She called me and gave me a prod about finishing the report.她打电话给我,催促我完成报告。The firm has taken out adverts in national newspapers to urge customers to return suspect products.该公司在全国性的报纸上登出广告,催促顾客退回疑似假冒产品。He'd rushed her into marriage.她在他的催促下结婚了。




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