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词汇 偷钱
例句 Obviously he had been helping himself to the money.他显然一直在偷钱It was a clever attempt to relieve him of his fortune.能想到从他那里偷钱真是高明。She was sacked after being caught pilfering from the till.被撞见从出纳机抽屉里偷钱以后她被解雇了。He solicited the boy to steal the money.他教唆那个男孩去偷钱I saw the boy stealing money; but he is so brazen that he tried to say that I had stolen it.我看见那个男孩在偷钱;但他竟厚颜无耻地企图赖到我身上。She was propelled by greed when she stole the money.偷钱时受了贪念的驱使。It was alleged that he was stealing money from the till, but we never had any conclusive proof.据称他从钱柜里偷钱,但我们从来没有确切的证据。Whoever had taken the money had covered their tracks pretty well.偷钱的不管是谁,掩盖得都够巧妙的。They steal money to feed their drug habit.他们偷钱来满足自己的毒瘾。The suspicion exists that Harris is stealing money from the company safe.有人怀疑说哈里斯从公司保险箱偷钱They knew that money was going missing and Davy was eventually caught with his fingers in the till.他们发现钱总是少,而戴维终于在偷钱的时候被逮到了。He stole money from his parents to feed his addiction.他从父母那儿偷钱以满足自己的嗜好。He was accused of putting his hand in the till.他被指控从自己工作的地方偷钱She'd find a way to forgive him for the theft of the money.她会让自己原谅他偷钱的行为的。She blanched and remained silent when the store owner accused her of taking the money.店主指责她偷钱时,她顿时脸色煞白,一句话也说不出来。James did not push her into stealing the money.詹姆斯没有怂恿她去偷钱If she got caught stealing money and she's still here, it begs the question: What would she have to do to get fired?如果她偷钱被抓住了还能在这里工作,这就让人纳闷:她得做什么才能被解雇?You will be flogged for stealing the money.偷钱要挨揍的。He'd been helping himself to money from my purse for months.几个月来他一直从我的钱包里偷钱His reputation was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money.偷钱时被当场抓住,这使他声名扫地。Pat caught her daughter stealing money from her purse.帕特当场抓住女儿从自己的钱包中偷钱




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