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The defeated army slunk back to its strongholds in the mountains.被击败的军队偷偷潜回到它在山里的据点里。I had a furtive look in her bag when her back was turned.趁她转过身去,我偷偷往她包里看了看。He would allow John slyly to copy his answers to impossibly difficult algebra questions.他会让约翰偷偷抄下自己对一些极难的代数题的解答。They looked furtively to right and left as if afraid that someone would pounce upon them.他们偷偷向左右张望,好像怕什么人会冷不防向他们袭来。When he discovered the police were after him, he did a moonlight flit.当他发现警察在追踪他时,就偷偷逃掉了。He had to fight down the impulse to sneak out.他不得不克服自己想偷偷溜走的冲动。We smuggled his favorite sandwich past the nurse.我们瞒着护士偷偷带来了他最爱吃的三明治。A man sidled up to me and asked if I wanted a ticket for the match.一男子偷偷走到我跟前,问我要不要比赛票子。Chris kept stealing furtive glances at me.克里斯一直鬼鬼祟祟地偷偷朝我看。We crept into our little sister's bedroom and spitefully defaced her pop posters.我们偷偷溜进妹妹的卧室,不怀好意地把她的歌星宣传画涂脏。She opened the door and peeked inside.她打开门,偷偷往里看。The exceptionally rude attendant at the gift shop stifled a chuckle when I asked her which selection was the cheapest.当我问哪类商品最便宜的时候,那个十分无礼的礼品店服务员偷偷笑了一下。He looked furtively at the clock.他偷偷瞥了一眼时钟。She promised to abstain but practised this vice secretly.她答应戒绝这种恶习,但仍偷偷乐此不疲。While no one was looking Louise and Alice helped themselves to some apples and bananas.趁没人注意的时候,路易斯和艾丽丝偷偷拿了几个苹果和香蕉。A thief took my purse.小偷偷走了我的手提包。She stopped for a moment and peeked into the window.她停了一下,偷偷朝窗户里看。While his parents were busy, Joe sneaked off to play.父母正在忙碌时,乔偷偷溜出去玩耍。He went outside for a fly cigarette.他到外面偷偷抽烟去了。When she thought no one was looking she opened the cupboard and took a few sweets on the sly.当她觉得没人看见时,便打开壁橱偷偷拿了几块糖。Douglas had sneaked his camera into the show.道格拉斯偷偷把照相机带进了展览会。I would creep in and with stealthy footsteps explore the second-floor.我会偷偷溜进去,轻手轻脚地查看一下二楼。She found the side-door open and slipped into the house unseen.她发现边门开着,就偷偷溜了进去。He was sidling into the bar, trying to be inconspicuous.他偷偷溜进那家酒吧,尽量不引人注意。She woke early the next morning, and slipped out of the house unseen.第二天早上,她一早醒来,偷偷溜出了房子。I sneaked a note to my friend in class. = I sneaked my friend a note in class.课堂上我偷偷给朋友递纸条。He slipped the envelope to his secretary. = He slipped his secretary the envelope.他偷偷把信封递给了秘书。She slid into the driver's seat.她偷偷溜进驾驶座里。They sell pornography under the counter to customers.他们偷偷卖黄色书刊给顾客。Sometimes he would sneak out of his house late at night to be with me.有时候,他会在深夜里偷偷溜出家与我相会。Michael slipped the bar of chocolate into his pocket.迈克尔偷偷把那条巧克力塞进口袋。The man walked slowly along, casting furtive glances behind him.那个男人慢慢走着,不时偷偷向后看一眼。She slipped furtively out of the room.她偷偷溜出了房间。They covertly observed Lauren, who was sitting at a nearby table.他们偷偷观察着坐在附近桌子旁的劳伦。I crept out into the rainy midnight and mooched home across Clapham Common.我悄悄离开,在下着雨的午夜穿过克莱芬公园偷偷溜回家。Surreptitiously Mark looked at his watch.马克偷偷看了看表。She slithered quietly into the room.她偷偷溜进了房间。The dog tucked its tail between its legs and slinked away.那只狗夹着尾巴偷偷溜走了。He snuck a few cookies out of the jar while his mother wasn't looking.他趁妈妈不注意偷偷从罐子里拿了一些饼干。She moved stealthily from room to room.她偷偷走遍各个房间。 |