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词汇 健康的
例句 Overindulging in chocolate cancels out any potential health benefits.吃太多的巧克力会抵消它对健康的任何潜在好处。Our latest publication is a magazine for health enthusiasts.我们最近的出版物是一本为热爱健康的人士办的杂志。She said it was unhealthy to bottle up your problems.她说你把问题憋在心里是不利于健康的School buildings have deteriorated to the point where they pose a health threat to both students and teachers.校舍已衰败到威胁师生健康的程度。They that are whole need not a physician.健康的人不需要医生。Many women who miscarry eventually have healthy babies.许多曾经小产的女人最终都生下了健康的宝宝。Alison's skin glowed with health.艾莉森的皮肤焕发着健康的红晕。Healthy lifestyle habits begin when you're young.健康的生活习惯是从小养成的。Smoking is ruinous to your health.吸烟对健康的危害极大。Out of concern for her health, we suggested she take a week off work.出于对她健康的考虑,我们建议她休息一周。Using a sunscreen when you are young helps you to have healthy skin in later years.年轻时使用防晒油会使你在年老时拥有健康的肌肤。Milk is a wholesome food.牛奶是一种有益于健康的食品。His concern with/for the well-being of his family is obvious.他对家人健康的关心是显而易见的。The injuries sustained by the victim were not sufficient to have caused death in a healthy person.受害者所受的伤对一个健康的人来说不足以造成死亡。Unhealthy food is producing supersized kids.健康的食品产生体型超大的儿童。Your extra fat may be more of a health risk than you realize.多余的脂肪对健康的威胁可能比你意识到的要大。She delivered healthy twin girls early this morning.她今天清晨生下一对健康的双胞胎女婴。They have healthy libidos.他们拥有健康的性欲。For most animals, a shiny coat is a sign of health.对于大多数动物,一身光亮的皮毛是健康的象征。Your overall health is sound.总的说来你的身体情况是健康的She gave birth to a fine healthy baby.她生了个漂亮健康的婴儿。An averagely fit person can master easy ski runs within a few days.健康的普通人几天内就可以掌握简单的滑雪技术。How does a healthy diet help in the prevention of heart attacks?健康的饮食如何能防止心脏病的发作?She is all too aware that we should be grateful for good health…我们应对健康的身体心存感恩,这一点她太清楚了。The children are developing unhealthy eating habits.孩子们正在养成不健康的饮食习惯。She gave birth to a healthy baby boy the day before yesterday. 前天她生下一个健康的男婴。His book promotes the health benefits of soy.他的著作宣传了豆制品对健康的益处。She saw a good diet as a passport to good health.她认为合理的饮食能带来健康的身体。A healthy diet should supply all necessary vitamins and minerals.一份健康的饮食应该提供所有必要的维生素和矿物质。Feed your pet a healthy diet.健康的食物喂养你的宠物。It's a relaxing treatment that should leave you calm with a sense of wellbeing.这是一种能让人感到放松的疗法,应该可以使你平静,有一种健康的感觉。He was blithe about the risks to his health.他对威胁健康的危险毫不在意。They needed a healthy outlet for their anger.他们需要一种健康的方式来宣泄怒火。Stevie is a plump healthy-looking child.史蒂维是个胖胖的、外表健康的小孩。With a wide local excision, the cancerous tissue and some surrounding healthy tissue is cut out.通过大面积的局部切除,移除了癌变组织和周围一些健康的组织。Most people can appreciate the importance of exercise for good health.大多数人能够正确估计锻炼对健康的重要性。Her freckled skin glowed with health again.她长有雀斑的皮肤又泛出了健康的红光。The body requires a healthy diet and adequate rest.身体需要健康的饮食和足够的休息。Skiing offers many fitness benefits.滑雪对健康的好处很多。The great enemy of healthy cultural and political life is the pseudo-event.虚构事件是健康的文化与政治生活的大敌。




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