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词汇 健康状况
例句 Ill health preyed upon him for years.不佳的健康状况折磨了他多年。She may improve with medical treatment.经过治疗,她的健康状况会好转。Her health is giving us great cause for concern.她的健康状况让我们十分担心。She needs to improve her fitness.她需要改善自己的健康状况As we grow old, we worry more about our health.年纪越大,我们就越担心自己的健康状况They try to address social problems such as unemployment and poor health.他们试图处理诸如失业和健康状况差等社会问题。War and poverty have reversed previous gains in children's health.战争与贫困使本已改善的儿童健康状况又倒退了回去。There has been a moderate improvement in her health since she began the treatment.开始治疗后,她的健康状况稍有好转。The population as a whole is getting healthier.总体看来,居民的健康状况正在改善。Her health is improving little by little.她的健康状况正在逐渐好转。He's concerned about his mother's state of health.他很担心母亲的健康状况I'm worried about my husband's health.我担心我丈夫的健康状况You can judge how healthy you are by the amount of energy you have.可以通过精力的充沛程度来判断健康状况She inquired after his grandfather's health.她询问了他祖父的健康状况Paul, a keen sportsman, prided himself on his level of fitness.保罗是一位热衷于体育运动的人,对自己的健康状况感到自豪。She improved in health stage by stage.她的健康状况逐渐好转。It was apparent that he was in no condition to travel.他的健康状况显然不宜旅行。His condition has made life a constant struggle.他的健康状况使他的人生变成了一场永不停息的斗争。His health has changed for the better.他的健康状况已有好转。There has been a noticeable improvement in her health.她的健康状况有了显著的改善。They were tired, but not in bad shape.他们是疲劳了,但健康状况并无不佳。 Her health has improved dramatically since she started on this new diet.自从开始这种新的饮食,她的健康状况大为改善。The programme is targeted at improving the health of women of all ages.该项目的目的是改善各年龄层妇女的健康状况His health began to break two years ago.两年前他的健康状况开始变糟。When his health problems continued, he resigned for the good of the party.由于健康状况没有好转,他为了所属政党的利益而辞职。Her condition improved by leaps and bounds.她的健康状况迅速好转。Scientists studied the reproduction, diet, and health of the dolphins.科学家研究过海豚的繁殖情况、进食规律和健康状况The no-smoking policy offers a payback of improved employee health.禁烟政策的结果就是员工们健康状况的好转。Curiously, the struggle to survive has greatly improved her health.奇怪的是,她拼命求生的抗争使得她的健康状况大有好转。His health has been getting better month by month. = His health has been getting better with each passing month. 他的健康状况逐月好转。Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.他的整体健康状况既然如此,手术后他也许要过一段时间才能康复。There are troubling signs in children's general health.儿童的整体健康状况出现了一些令人不安的迹象。His health doesn't permit him to travel.他的健康状况不允许他外出旅行。His health seems to be improvlittleing little by little.他的健康状况看来正在逐渐好转。The public expects complete openness from the President about his health.公众要求总统完全公开他的健康状况His mother's health is an enormous worry to him.他母亲的健康状况是他的一大心事。The age of the patients and their overall health must be factored into the results.在评价治疗效果时,必须将患者的年龄和他们的整体健康状况等因素考虑进去。Your health is determined in part by what you eat.在某种程度上你的健康状况取决于你的饮食。The skin is an accurate barometer of emotional and physical health.皮肤是准确的晴雨表,可以反映出一个人身心的健康状况He is getting better day by day.他的健康状况一天天好起来了。




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