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Melt the butter over a medium-low heat. When it is melted and bubbly, put in the flour.用中低火把黄油加热,等黄油熔化起泡时,加入面粉。His reserved manner was a perfect foil for/to her bubbly personality.他内敛的举止使她活泼热情的性格更显突出。Guests were presented with glasses of bubbly on arrival.客人来后,都有香槟酒招待。Let's crack open a bottle of bubbly to celebrate.我们开一瓶香槟来庆祝吧。She's a very bubbly character.她是个充满活力的姑娘。She's a lovely, bright, and bubbly girl.她是个可爱、聪明而且活泼的女孩。She had a bright and bubbly personality.她性格开朗活泼。I cracked open a bottle of bubbly.我开了一瓶香槟酒。She has a very bubbly personality.她个性非常活泼。She is pretty, bubbly, and smart.她漂亮、活泼又聪明。She was a wonderful, bubbly girl, full of vigour.她是个了不起的女孩,乐天活泼,活力四射。 |