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词汇 停下来
例句 If you want it to stop, just press the red button.如果你想把它停下来,就按下这个红色的按钮。They had to stop and get some petrol.他们只好停下来加些油。He must have drifted off again, for when he awoke, the train had come to a halt.他肯定又睡过去了,因为他醒来的时候,火车已经停下来了。After we'd stopped for lunch Sheila took over the driving for a while.我们停下来吃午饭以后,希拉替我们开了一会儿车。Tom stopped, wobbling from the weight of his load.汤姆停下来,身上的东西压得他摇摇晃晃。Let's break for lunch.让我们停下来吃午饭吧。Spencer stopped to ponder the thought.斯潘塞停下来考虑那个想法。We were waved through customs without a pause.海关人员挥手示意我们通过,不必停下来We stopped for lunch along the way.我们在途中停下来吃了午饭。She paused to reflect on what she had achieved.停下来,回想自己所取得的成绩。You should pause and ponder now.你现在应该停下来仔细考虑一下。The double-decker bus stopped to pick up some more passengers.那辆双层公共汽车停下来又搭载了一些乘客。What time do you want to stop for lunch?你们想什么时候停下来吃午饭?He made frequent pauses to catch his breath.他不时停下来喘口气。It may be necessary to stop at intervals and go back over key points in the lesson.可能有必要不时停下来复习一下该课的重点。I pulled over and looked at the map.我在路边停下来查看地图。We stopped along the way to get a drink of water.我们在路上停下来喝些水。She paused to coo at the baby.停下来柔声地哄着婴儿。Once again the donkey jibbed and would not pass it.那头驴再一次突然停下来,不敢越过它。The driver was forced to pit because of engine problems.车手因发动机出现问题而被迫在检修站停下来There'll be no stopping him once he starts talking.他一旦开始说话就没办法让他停下来The bus stopped to load a few more passengers.这辆公共汽车又停下来载了几位乘客。He stopped at the first farm he came to and dickered for some meat and salt.他在经过的第一个农场停下来,经过一番讨价还价,买了一些肉和盐。The fire engines were just pulling up, sirens blaring.消防车正要停下来,警报器发出刺耳的声音。The road system was so complicated that we had to stop to get our bearings several times.路况非常复杂,以至于我们不得不停下来好几次以确定方位。I've hardly had a moment to draw breath.我几乎连停下来喘口气的时间也没有。There is something rather strange about all this if one stops to consider it.如果停下来好好想想的话,就会发觉整件事情相当蹊跷。He stopped suddenly, and I went crashing into him.他突然停下来,我撞到了他身上。Arthur paused, feeling he was beginning to lose the thread of his argument.阿瑟停下来,他感觉自己的论述在变得没有逻辑。We've been working all morning. It's time to stop and take a break.我们工作了一上午,是时候停下来休息一会儿了。We drove down to Baltimore, and on the way there we stopped for lunch.我们驾车去巴尔的摩,途中我们停下来吃了顿午餐。She stopped to pick up a few groceries at the supermarket.停下来去超市买了些食品杂物。She paused to ponder on the situation.停下来思量整个形势。He paused and narrowed his eyes in concentration.停下来,眯起眼睛专注地看着。Stop what you're doing when the buzzer sounds.蜂鸣器一响就停下来We stopped to buy fruit at the roadside.我们在路边停下来买水果。Did you ever stop to think what might happen?你是否停下来想过可能会发生什么事?The trip continues, after a stop for lunch, with a visit to a ceramics museum.停下来吃午饭后旅程继续,下一站是陶瓷博物馆。I couldn't stop because I was on an errand.我没法停下来,因为我有差事在身。The truck pulled over and a man got out.卡车在路边停下来,一名男子走出来。




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