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Let's stop here. That/This way we can look at the map before we get off the highway.咱们在这里停一下。那样/这样我们可以在下公路前先看一看地图。Can we stop at the supermarket along the way?路上我们能在超市停一下吗?I must remember to stop at the store.我一定要记住在那家商店停一下。Stop if you see a cashpoint, I have to get some money out.你看见自动提款机时停一下,我得取些钱。We'll stop off for breakfast on the way.我们会在中途停一下吃早饭。The old man, ascending, paused on each tread.那老人上楼时每走一级都要停一下。I have to remember to stop at the store.我必须记住在那家商店停一下。After many hours at the wheel, I was ready to stop.连著好几个小时开车后,我准备停一下。Why don't you just stop somewhere and ask for directions?为什么你不找个地方停一下问问路呢?I need to make a stop at the grocery store on the way home.在回家的路上我需要在杂货店停一下。Take a moment to compose yourself before you pick up the phone.先停一下让自己平静下来,再接电话。Let's stop doing it for the present.我们暂时停一下工作。 |