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例句 Officials complain that some reporters have prejudged the outcome of the investigation.官方抱怨一些记者对调查结果做出轻率预判。Banana, orange juice, and cream may seem an odd combination, but together they make a delicious drink.香蕉、橙汁和奶油看上去或许是奇怪的搭配,但用它们做出的饮料很好喝。There's no excuse for such childish behaviour from a grown man.一个成年人做出这么孩子气的行为是毫无道理的。An estimate was made by rule of thumb.凭经验做出了估计。This court has found that she is competent to make that choice.法庭发现她有能力做出那个选择。He made little flapping motions with his arms.做出双臂轻轻摆动的动作。Reporters continue to play a guessing game as they wait to hear her final decision. 在等待她做出最后决定期间,记者们继续做着各种猜测。The leader of the Opposition criticized the prime minister for his comments.反对党领袖对首相的评论做出了批评。Tomorrow is when we must decide.我们必须在明天做出决定。They've accomplished some pretty amazing things.他们做出了一些惊人之举。She fixed her eyes on me for a long time before answering.她在做出回答前,盯着我看了好长时间。Doctors have now been able to make a definitive diagnosis.医生们现已能够做出最后的诊断。The jury rendered a verdict of not guilty.陪审团做出无罪裁决。The time has come to stop hesitating and make a decision.现在应该停止优柔寡断并做出决定了。Michael smoothed and sculpted Jane's hair into shape.迈克尔把简的头发梳理平整并做出发型。She finally arrived at a decision.她终于做出了一个决定。He was anxious to pin the Minister down to some definite commitment.他急于让首相做出某种明确的承诺。Their decision was made by default. All of the other options were no longer possible.他们是在无可选择的情况下做出决定的。所有别的选择都不可能了。The government has made a significant peace overture by opening the door to negotiation.开启谈判之门是政府做出的重要和平姿态。The decision was made to abort the mission.已经做出决定要中止此次任务。It was rash of you to make that promise.做出那个许诺真是太轻率了。His new position is largely ceremonial because all the decisions are actually made by a committee.他的新职务基本上是礼仪性的,因为所有决定实际上都是由一个委员会做出的。I became quite clever at making tasty meals out of nothing.我变得很擅长变戏法似的做出美味佳肴。I'd just met his parents for the first time so I was on my best behaviour.我刚刚第一次见了他的父母,做出了最好的表现。She met my eyes steadily, but offered no explanations.她安然地跟我对视,但是没有做出任何解释。First work out the answers as normal.首先像平时一样做出答案。Our decisions are made on the basis of the available information. 我们是根据手头上的信息做出的判断。The war required much sacrifice from everyone.战争要求每个人都做出很多牺牲。He did pioneering work on microbes.他在微生物研究方面做出了开拓性的工作。His research aided in the discovery of a new treatment for cancer.他的研究为癌症新疗法的发现做出了贡献。In making these decisions we should be governed by the principle of equity.做出这些决定时,我们应本着公平的原则。The jurors discussed the evidence and made/based their decision thereupon.陪审团讨论了证据,并就此做出了决定。I made up my mind then and there.我立即做出决定。Occasionally he would take off from his usual self and did some silly things.他偶尔会一反常态做出一些蠢事来。I couldn't fathom why she made such a foolish decision. = I couldn't fathom her reasons for making such a foolish decision.我不明白她为何会做出如此愚蠢的决定。The administration plainly has some serious charges to answer.毋庸置疑,行政部门需对一些严重的指控做出回应。What if Spain reacts to the similar economic pressures which are appearing over there?西班牙要是对类似于那里正在出现的经济压力做出反应该怎么办?The defense lawyers tried to bait him and get him to act aggressively.辩护律师企图让他恼火,使他做出侵犯性的行为。The class has an observer today, so please be on your best behavior.今天有人来听课,所以请大家做出最好的表现。He had a reckless, self-destructive streak.他生性鲁莽草率,会做出自毁行为。




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