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词汇 做不了
例句 It was heartbreaking to know that there was nothing I could do.得知我什么事也做不了,我很伤心。I'm too heavy-handed for this delicate work.我笨手笨脚的,做不了这种细致的工作。I tried but I couldn't do it.我努力了,但是做不了The children were under my feet all day so I couldn't get anything done.孩子们一整天在我这里碍手碍脚的,我什么都做不了I can't do my homework with all this noise going on.这么吵,我做不了家庭作业。In business, start small and don't get in over your head.在生意方面,从小的做起,不要贪大而做不了It's put me in a position whereby I can't afford to take a job.这使我到了一种连工作也做不了的地步。He can't hack it as a singer.做不了歌手。I've been doing this job for years but I just can't hack it anymore.我这份工作已做了好几年但我再也做不了了。For God's sake shut up. I can't hear myself think!看在上帝的分上,闭嘴吧!我都被吵得做不了事情了。Nothing can be done except to wait and hope.除了等待和期盼,我们什么也做不了They told me I was too old for the job, and then to add insult to injury, they refused to pay my expenses!他们说我太老了,做不了这个工作。更让人受不了的是,他们还拒绝支付我的费用!He either thinks he can't do it or else he just isn't interested.他要么是认为自己做不了,要么就是不感兴趣。I can't do this myself. Won't someone please help me out?我自己做不了。拜托谁能帮帮我?There's nothing more they can possibly do right.他们除此之外啥也做不了I tried my best/hardest , but I just couldn't do it.我尽了最大的努力,但实在做不了I could never do your job!我永远做不了你的工作!He could do nothing but stand and watch.他除了袖手旁观外什么也做不了He was never properly trained, so you can't really blame him if he can't do the job.他从来没有受到过恰当的训练,所以要是他做不了这份工作你也不能真的怪他。You're dead right. There's nothing we can do.你完全正确。我们什么也做不了I can't do it—but neither can you.做不了,但你也不行。I thought she couldn't do it, but she proved me wrong.我原以为她做不了这件事,但她证明我错了。I can't get any work done with those kids under my feet.这些孩子在这儿碍手碍脚的,我什么也做不了My grandpa's getting old now and he can't do all the things he used to be able to.我爷爷上了年纪,许多他以前能做的事现在都做不了We could do nothing but let the disease run its course.我们什么也做不了,只能听任这病自然发展了。I'm not happy with the situation but, you know, there isn't much I can do about it.我对这一情况也不满意,但你知道,我对此做不了什么。I am too old for the job.我年纪太大,做不了这工作。We didn't do an awful lot while Geraldine was here.杰拉尔丁在的时候,我们就做不了很多事。He couldn't even take a simple decision.他连简单的决定都做不了




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